
  1. How to calculate the range, variance, and standard deviation of a distribution
  2. How to read and use Appendix A
  3. How to calculate and interpret percentile scores
  4. How to calculate and interpret z scores and probabilities
  5. How I created this sampling distribution of the means
  6. How to read and interpret Appendix B
  7. How to calculate and interpret a standard error of the mean
  8. How to use the standard error of the mean to calculate probabilities
  9. How to calculate a t value and determine the probability of obtaining a t value of a given size by chance
  10. How to calculate and interpret a confidence interval for the mean
  11. How to calculate one-sample t tests
  12. How to calculate independent t tests
  13. How to calculate paired t tests
  14. How variance is partitioned in a one-way ANOVA
  15. How to interpret the SPSS output for a one-way ANOVA with post-hoc tests
  16. How to read and interpret Appendix C
  17. How to read Appendix D
  18. How to read and interpret the SPSS output from a factorial ANOVA analysis
  19. How to interpret SPSS output for a repeated-measures ANOVA
  20. How to calculate the t value and determine whether a correlation coefficient is statistically significant
  21. How to calculate and interpret a confidence interval for r
  22. How to read SPSS output for a multiple regression analysis
  23. How to calculate and interpret a regression coefficient, intercept, and predicted value for Y
  24. How to read Appendix E
  25. How to interpret SPSS output for a chi-squared statistic
  26. How to interpret SPSS output from a principal components factor analysis
  27. How to interpret SPSS output from a reliability analysis