Here is a list of people who have contributed significantly to research and theory on consciousness. All those who have profiles in the book are included, along with further information about them. We have also listed others whom you may find interesting, along with personal details, publications, and links. We have chosen just a few representative or especially relevant books and articles for each author; you can find more of their work using the links provided.

Bernard Baars

Susan Blackmore

Ned Block

David Chalmers

Patricia Churchland

Andy Clark
Antonio Damasio
Richard Dawkins

Daniel Dennett

Michael Gazzaniga

Mel Goodale

Temple Grandin

Michael Graziano
Susan Greenfield

Sam Harris

Allan Hobson

Owen Holland

Nicholas Humphrey

Christof Koch

Benjamin Libet

Thomas Metzinger

Thomas Nagel
Kevin O’Regan

Vilayanur Ramachandran

Antti Revonsuo

John Searle

Anil Seth

Ronald Siegel

Giulio Tononi

Emily Troscianko

Francisco Varela

Daniel Wegner