Lesson 2, 2-1 to 2-10
Courtesy of Michael Y. Parker, www.wilmingtonhealth.com; Seth M. Cohen, MD, MPH, and Leda Scearce, MM, MS, CCC-SLP, and Duke Voice Care Center, www.dukevoicecare.org.
Courtesy of Jonathan C. Kramer; Courtesy of Alison E. Arnold.
Courtesy of Jorge Choquehuillca Huallpa and Familia Choquehuillca.
Courtesy of Karen Panigoniak.
Courtesy of Jimmie Rodgers Foundation and Museum, Meridian, MS, www.jimmierodgers.com; and the Folklore Alliance International, Kansas City, MO, www.folkalliance.org.
Courtesy of Plateau Music Project, and song collector Tsering Samdrup.
Courtesy of Mount Carmel Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA, Pastor Timothy Flemming Sr., www.mtcarmelbaptistchurch.org.
Courtesy of Diali Cissokho, www.kairabamusic.com.
Courtesy of Yoko Hiraoka, www.japanesestrings.com.
Courtesy of the National Gugak Center, www.gugak.go.kr:9001/eng/. © 2011. All rights reserved.