
Welcome to “Representing Landscapes: Hybrid” which is part of the “Representing Landscapes” drawing book series for students and professionals in landscape architecture, architecture and urban design. This particular book focuses on the topic of hybrid representations with the emphasis on the visuals and techniques around mixed media visual communication, including digital and traditional means, in its outcome and process. This book is meant to inspire the landscape architectural student and professional alike, by showcasing ways in which to communicate designs of the environment effectively, using hybrid means.

I am pleased to have award-winning landscape architect and educator, Mikyoung Kim, open up the discussion in this latest publication with a foreword on this topic. She is an advocate of hybrid representation, and has spearheaded these kinds of drawings at Rhode Island School of Design. I am also excited  to have an esteemed roster of professors, from various landscape architectural programs across the globe, contribute their personal or objective take on visual communication in landscape architecture using hybrid methods or outcomes.

This book is a great addition and resource to the other two representing landscapes books- Representing Landscapes: Digital (2015), and Representing Landscapes: A Visual Collection of Landscape Architectural Drawings (2012).

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Book Cover