
This is the companion website for Essential Personal Finance: A Practical Guide for Students. The supplementary materials provided here will aid lecturers and students in using this essential and well-written textbook as their main teaching tool.

Resources on this website

  • Further Reading
  • Exercises
  • Keynotes
  • PowerPoints
  • Audio Recordings
  • and much more...

About the book

Young people face unprecedented financial challenges: rising student debt, stiff competition for jobs, barriers to home ownership, dwindling state benefits and prospects of a longer working life. Today, students need financial knowledge and skills more than ever before, not just to build their own financial security, but to create the new generation of advisers that can help all citizens navigate the complex world of personal finance. Written by authors who contribute experience as financial advisers, practitioners and academics, Essential Personal Finance examines the motivations, methods and theories that underpin financial decision-making, as well as offering useful tips and guidance on money management and financial planning.

Book Cover

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