Victimology, Eighth Edition
By William G. Doerner and Steven P. Lab
Victimology, Eighth Edition, shows how the U.S. criminal’s justice system can be made the victim’s justice system. Doerner and Lab, both well-regarded scholars, write compellingly about the true scope of crime victims’ suffering. They lay out the sources of evidence available to victimology researchers. In later chapters, theory is woven together with the description of each topic and illustrated with specific examples. The second part of the book addresses the full impact of victimization. Part III, Types of Victimization, details specific problems ranging from violent crimes, child and elder abuse, and property crime, to crime in the workplace. The authors emphasize their concern with the extent of criminal victimization, explain how obstacles hinder the pursuit of justice, and introduce the idea that reforms have been made to render the system much more victim-friendly.
This companion site offers an array of resources for students and instructors. The student site offers a selection of supplementary documents tied to the “Web Activity” boxes in the textbook as well as a glossary of important terms. The password-protected instructor site provides an Instructor’s Guide with introductory remarks, a sample course syllabus, chapter overviews, and short-answer and multiple-choice test questions, as well as a PowerPoint presentation for each chapter.

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