Welcome to the companion website for A History of Psychology: The Emergence of Science and Applications, Sixth Edition. The book traces the history of psychology from antiquity through the early twenty-first century, giving students a thorough look into psychology’s origins and key developments in basic and applied psychology. It also aims to engage and inspire students to recognize the power of history in their own lives and studies, to connect history to the present and the future, and to think critically and historically.
Here you will find the following resources for students:
- An interactive and downloadable timeline
- Further resources in specific areas
- Review questions
- Practice quizzes
- A downloadable copy of the glossary
And for instructors:
- Instructor’s manual
- Slides for lectures
- Test bank and essay questions
- Teaching resources

Below you can use the buttons to navigate to the product page where you can purchase the book. You can also apply for a complimentary exam copy.