1984 - 1987

Example #1

2004 -

Example #2

3000 - 1100

Mycenaeans enter mainland Greece

2000 - 1700

Height of Minoan civilisation

1200 - 1184

Trojan War

1100 -

End of Mycenaen era. Beginning of city states ruled by monarchies. Greek colonization of the Agaen coast

850 -

Homer composes the Iliad and Odyssey

776 -

First Olympics

750 -

Greek colonization of Southern Italy. Greek alphabet developed. Homeric poems written down. Geometric vase painting


630 -

Sappho, the poet, born in Lesbos

625 -

Thales, founder of geometry, born in Miletos

621 -

Draconian law established

594 -

Draconian laws replaced by Solon's reforms

569 -

Pythagoras, mathematician, born in Samos

546 -

Peisistratus becomes tyrant of Athens

508 -

Cleisthenes established democratic constitution

500 -

Heraclitus, Philosopher, born

498 -

Pindar, the poet, writes the earliest poems

497 - 490

First Persian war, Darius defeated at Marathon (490 BCE). Herodotus born

480 -

Second Persian war, Xerxes marches on Greece, battle of Thermopylae - final stand of the 300 Spartans. Athens burned. Naval battle at Salamis, Xerxes defeated

477 -

Delian league formed

472 -

The Persians by Aeschylus wins at City-Dionysia

461 - 445

First Peloponnesian war

460 - 429

Pericles leads Athens' golden age

458 -

Aeschylus wins first prize Oresteia

449 -

Construction of the Parthenon starts

446 -

Thirty year peace tready ends first Peloponnesian war

441 -

Sophocles writes Antigone

431 -

Euripedes writes Medea. Second Peloponnesian war begins. Thucydides begins history of the war.

430 -

Athens' plague

429 -

Pericles dies in the plague epidemic

424 -

Sophocles wins second prize for Oedipus Rex

421 -

Peace of Nicius between Athens and Sparta

418 -

Athens resumes war

413 -

Syracuse defeats Athens

411 -

Aristophanes writes Lysistrata

405 -

Aristophanes writes The Frogs

404 -

Athens surrenders to Sparta, ruled by 30 tyrants

403 -

Democracy restored

399 -

Trial and execution of Socrates

380 -

Plato establishes the Academy school

338 -

Macedonia defeats Athens

336 -

Alexander becomes king of Macedonia

335 -

Aristotle establishes the Lyceum

334 - 326

Alexander the Great establishes empire stretching from Egypt to India

323 -

Alexander dies

310 -

Zeno the Stoic founds school in Athens

307 -

Epicurus founds school in Athens

146 -

Rome invades and takes over Greece