- American Society for Public Administration
- http://www.aspanet.org
- The American Society for Public Administration, which has been representing the public service arena since 1939, presents an array of information on the field of public administration at this site. Among the most useful features of this site are links to career opportunities for those interested in working in the public service field.
- Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
- http://www.appam.org
- This organization offers a multidisciplinary annual conference that attracts the highest quality research on a wide variety of important current and emerging policy and management issues, and its Web site is structured to encourage substantive interaction among participants. The site also has information on recent articles in the organization’s peer-reviewed journal and updates on opportunities in the field of public management.
- American Political Science Association (APSA)
- http://www.apsanet.org
- This is a reference site for scholarly information about the field of political science. Members of the organization have access to scholarly journals and articles through the site. It also contains information about conferences and gatherings organized by APSA to promote political science and research in the field.
- National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA)
- http://www.naspaa.org
- The NASPAA serves as a national and international resource for the promotion of excellence in education and training for public service. Its institutional membership includes more than 260 US and non-US university programs in public affairs, public policy, public administration, and public management. Its site offers information for grad students looking to enter these fields, as well as teachers looking to better their teaching in these fields.
- International City Management Association (ICMA)
- http://icma.org/en/icma/home
- For students with an interest in local government, ICMA is the premier organization for city managers and city government career professionals. ICMA also has extensive materials and informational assets on leadership and professional ethics. You can register to receive regular updates via ICMA SmartBrief: icma@smartbrief.com
- Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)
- http://www.arnova.org
- For those interested in non-profit organizations especially in the social sector. This association (though a US-based organization) is a national and international association that is a premier source for scholars, teachers, and practice leaders interested in research on nonprofit organizations, voluntary action, philanthropy and civil society.
- GovManagement Daily
- http://www.govmanagement.com
- Associated with ASPA, GovManagement Daily is a free e-mail newsletter—basically a clipping service of the best media sources with current news, commentary, and other reports on a cross section of events happening at the federal, state, and local levels of government. The newsletter is published on business days
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- http://www.cbpp.org
- The Center conducts research and analysis to help shape public debates over proposed budget and tax policies and to help ensure that policymakers consider the needs of low-income families. In addition, the Center examines impacts of proposed policies on the health of the economy and the soundness of federal and state budgets. The site offers information about this research as well as links to experts in each field and news about changes in policy due to the Center’s research.
- National Center for Policy Analysis
- http://www.public-policy.org
- This Web site allows you to search for information about public policy by providing links that relate to select areas of policy. This site also spotlights individual public opinion institutes across the United States and in Canada.
- National Civic League
- http://www.nlc.org
- The National League of Cities (NLC) is dedicated to helping city leaders build better communities. The site provides information about possible solutions to common problems facing America’s urban areas, and provides overviews of the legislative, regulatory, and legal changes that the NCL endorses.
- Public Agenda Online (PAO)
- http://www.publicagenda.org
- PAO allows viewers to get critical facts and consider the choices and current public opinion on fundamental problems facing the country. The site has research studies in a wide range of topics.
- The Brookings Institution
- http://www.brookings.edu
- Brookings is a nonpartisan but liberal leaning think tank focusing on public policy matters. Brookings research is often cited in policy debates and discussions. Its site offers news and articles on the national and international level as well as the economy. Through its online platform Brookings offers reports about its research and information about how to become involved in the organization and its activities.
- Brookings provides a daily review of short critical comments and reviews on governance, economics, and foreign policy from their various scholars and researchers. Register at Brookings Brief info@brookings.edu
- American Enterprise Institute
- http://www.aei.org
- For a non-partisan but conservative leaning think tank, The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, based in Washington, D.C. does research focusing on issues of government, politics, economics and social welfare.
- The Urban Institute
- http://www.urban.org
- While the name suggests urban issues, the Urban Institute has a broad public policy research agenda that cuts across all national, regional, and metropolitan economic and social issues.
- Russell Sage Foundation
- http://www.russellsage.org
- The Russell Sage Foundation is a premier source for social science research on all aspects of public policy. It is both a research center and a funding source for studies by scholars at other academic and research institutions, and a highly regard leader in the social science community.
- National Corporation for Public Service
- http://www.nationalservice.gov
- The federal corporation that coordinates AmeriCorps, FEMA corps, senior corps and social innovation funds for volunteer service. Of particular interest will be AmeriCorps.
- AmeriCorps
- http://www.americorps.gov
- This is an organization that offers opportunities for adults of all ages and backgrounds to serve the nation through a network of partnerships with local and national nonprofit groups. This Web site has information about ways for both organizations and individuals to become involved, with detailed overviews of AmeriCorps’ programs.
- National Academy of Public Administration
- http://www.napawash.org
- The National Academy of Public Administration provides insights on key public management issues, as well as advisory services to government agencies. The organization’s Web site documents its current research, programs, and publications.
- US Government Manual Online
- http://www.gpoaccess.gov/gmanual/
- Online access to the US Government Manual, which is the official handbook for the federal government. At this site the organizational framework of the federal government is described in detail. It also includes information on quasi-official agencies, international organizations in which the United States participates, and boards, commissions, and committees.
- Government Executive
- http://www.govexec.com/
- Modeled along the lines of Business Week (so do expect some commercial ads) this monthly journal remains one of the best sites for updates on the federal government for career professionals. It is a mix of reporter based articles and commentary on all aspects of federal public management.
- Governing
- http://www.governing.com/
- The state and local counterpart to Government Executive, the Web site to this monthly journal has excellent coverage of all things public administration-wise for state and local government. Coverage includes a full range of public management and political issues.
- National Association of Counties
- http://www.naco.org
- This site presents information from the only national organization that represents county governments. Among the content areas are sections about legislative initiatives at the county level, conferences, and ways for the public to better utilize the resources provided by county governments.
- National Association of Regional Councils (NARC)
- http://www.narc.org
- The NARC promotes regionalism as the most effective way to provide services and address problems facing local communities. The organization’s Web site is a platform for its views and policies, and presents legislation that will enhance cooperation between municipal and county governments throughout the United States.
- National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
- http://www.ncsl.org
- The most comprehensive collection of information regarding state laws and policies, the NCSL site provides comparative data on state policies in a number of areas, including budgetary processes, federal-state and local relations, and regulatory tools. The site also includes many publications provided by the NCSL.
- National Governors Association (NGA)
- http://www.nga.org
- The organization is a public policy group that represents the nation’s governors. The site gives information about the governors as well as current news that deals with their offices. Among the features of the NGA’s site is a comprehensive list of the association’s positions on major issues related to federal policies toward the states.
- Publius: The Journal of Federalism
- http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/pubjof/index.html
- The site allows online access for Publius, considered to be the foremost journal on federalism. Publius is published quarterly and contains articles exploring all aspects of federalism, both in the United States and around the world.
- Council of State Governments
- http://www.csg.org
- Founded in 1933, The Council of State Governments is our nation’s only organization serving all three branches of state government. CSG is a region-based forum that fosters the exchange of insights and ideas to help state officials shape public policy.
- Governance
- http://governancejournal.net/
- Governance is published by theStructure and Organization of Government Committee (Research Committee of the International Political Science Association.) It covers the theoretical and practical discussion of executive politics, public policy, administration, and the organization of the state, and is ranked in the top ten for citation reports in both political science and public administration.
- Annenberg Political Fact Check
- http://www.factcheck.org
- This site posts articles that point out when politicians or political organizations lie or use misleading facts in their statements and advertisements. Fact Check has been recognized as a non-partisan arbiter of competing claims in elections and policy debates in the United States.
- Centre for Applied Ethics
- http://www.ethicsweb.ca/resources/business
- This site provides links to organizations that advocate for ethical decision making and presents examples of ethical dilemmas that individuals face in contemporary settings in government and business.
- Citizens’ Circle for Accountability (CCA)
- http://www.accountabilitycircle.org
- The CCA offers information and resources concerning public accountability and why transparent government is essential in a democracy. The organization’s Web site includes a blog that allows citizens to express their demand for public accountability as well as primers for civil servants, legislators, academics, and students concerned with government operations.
- Government Accountability Project (GAP)
- http://www.whistleblower.org
- This organization works to protect the rights of “whistleblowers” who disclose information that they reasonably believe is evidence of illegality, gross waste or fraud, mismanagement, abuse of power, general wrongdoing, or a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety. The GAP site offers resources for those considering whistleblowing activities.
- Pew Research
- http://www.pewresearch.org
- Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. Their specialty is public opinion polling, demographic research with a keen interest in journalism and media; Internet.
- US Office of Government Ethics
- http://www.oge.gov
- The US Office of Government Ethics oversees the executive branch ethics program and is a primary resource and advisor for the community of ethics practitioners made up of over 4,500 ethics officials in more than 130 federal agencies that carry out ethics programs.
- Center for Ethics in Government
- http://www.ncsl.org/.../ethics.aspx
- A legislative counterpart to executive ethics associations, the Center was established in 1999 to address legal and ethical issues and problems facing state legislatures The Center is nonpartisan, nonprofit and funded by NCSL’s Foundation for State Legislatures.
- Herbert A. Simon
- http://www.psy.cmu.edu/psy/faculty/hsimon/hsimon.html
- Simon earned an international reputation as one of the founders of artificial intelligence. Simon’s research extended from computer science into the realm of public administration and government. The Web site contains many of his key writings, lectures, and biographical background.
- International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI)
- http://www.ispi.org
- The ISPI works to improve productivity in the workplace. The site is dedicated to raising awareness of performance enhancement efforts.
- Max Weber
- http://www.faculty.rsu.edu/~felwell/Theorists/Weber/Whome.htm
- Weber’s many accomplishments, including theories, writings, and research, are neatly organized in this Web site. Among the highlights are thorough online resources on the rise of bureaucracies and civil service systems.
- Napoleonic Guide
- http://www.napoleonguide.com/leaders_napoleon.htm
- The career, accomplishments, and quotes from the life of one of the world’s most influential leaders are organized in this Web site. Napoléon’s contributions to the development of modern organizational structures and management are chronicled.
- Fredrick Taylor Archive
- http://www.stevens.edu/library/collections/fwtaylor.html
- Taylor, often known as the founder of scientific management, had a great influence on developing methods to improve the efficiency of administration and public policy. This Web site maintains his archives, which consist largely of Taylor’s personal and work-related correspondence, including his communications with companies interested in implementing scientific management.
- Mckinsey
- http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization
- One of the leading business consultancies, they have a variety of studies and research reports available on all aspects of business and government. They have a special interest in modern and postmodern organizations—especially as influenced by technology trends.
- American Society for Quality
- http://www.asq.org
- A global community of experts on quality in all fields, organizations, and industries. The Web site includes case studies of efforts to improve the overall quality of services and management.
- People Management
- http://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/index.html
- An online magazine that focuses on various aspects of human resource (HR) management. It includes articles on legal and legislative activities that affect HR management and the latest in research related to the advancement of best practices for HR efforts.
- Performance Management Network (PMN)
- http://www.pmn.net
- The PMN’s mission is to add value to public and private sector enterprises through the exchange of ideas and insights on performance management.
- Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- http://www.siop.org
- This site has information about jobs, graduate programs, research, and news in this subfield of psychology.
- Section for Women in Public Administration
- http://www.aspaonline.org/swpa/
- This organization is dedicated to working with women and men on projects and programs promoting participation and recognition of women at all levels and areas of the public sector.
- Organizational Dynamics
- http://www.journals.elsevier.com/organizational-dynamics/
- A top rated business oriented journal with numerous sources for students and researchers, Organizational Dynamics’ domain is a benchmark source that is first organizational behavior and development and secondarily, HRM and strategic management.
- Administrative Science Quarterly
- http://asq.sagepub.com/
- One of the oldest but still a premier journal in all aspects of organization and management studies. In its beginnings in the 1950s, ASQ was as likely to publish articles and research about government organizations and public administration theory as much as corporate entities. While the emphasis has shifted to the business side (it is published by Cornell University’s business school) it is still a major research source on organizations.
- American Productivity and Quality Center
- http://www.apqc.org
- This organization is a member-based nonprofit specializing in benchmarking, knowledge management, measurement, and process improvement. This site offers information about methods to enhance productivity and ways to improve interactions between service providers and their clients.
- Center for Technology and Government
- http://www.ctg.albany.edu
- The site has information about locating current and past research related to the application of technology in the field of public administration, as well as results and analysis of these studies.
- Government Technology Magazine (GTM)
- http://www.govtech.com
- GTM is a clearinghouse for news and information about technology use in government. The site provides updates on any legislation at the federal and state levels that affects the use of technology by public organizations and administrators, and features examples of cutting-edge use of technology by governments.
- National Institute of Standards and Technology Quality Program (NISTQP)
- http://www.quality.nist.gov
- The NISTQP site offers information about job opportunities, news, and other facts pertaining to keeping organizations in the United States competitive on the world stage.
- The Performance Institute
- http://www.performanceweb.org
- This institute, a think tank focused on performance measurement in government, uses its Web site to present information and research conducted by the institute, including case studies that highlight advancements in performance at all levels of government.
- MIT Review
- http://www.technologyreview.com/
- Probably the best serious future technology assessment and innovation journal available in the US, available online and searchable in terms of its articles and studies. For the less serious but still quite informative there is Wired: http://www.wired.com
- Brookings Center on Technology Innovation
- http://www.brookings.edu/about/centers/techinnovation
- A new center founded in 2010, the Center for Technology Innovation (CTI) at Brookings focuses on delivering research that impacts public debate and policymaking in the arena of US and global technology innovation.
- IBM Center for the Business of Government
- http://www.businessofgovernment.org/
- Not the big computer services corporation, but a center set up in 1998, that has awarded (usually $25K) research stipends to public management researchers in the academic and non-profit communities that have resulted in nearly 350 reports—all of which are available on the Center’s Web site. Technology improvements and occasionally innovation are report mainstays but the catalog of reports is vast.
- Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
- http://www.csis.org
- CSIS provides strategic insights and policy solutions to decision makers in government, international institutions, the private sector, and civil society. The site provides information and guidance to policymakers on the subjects of foreign policy and national security issues.
- Center for Strategic Management (CSM)
- http://www.csmweb.com
- This center strives to transform slow-moving, bureaucratic organizations into high-performing groups that deliver more meaningful results. The site provides information about CSM’s services, including speakers and teams to help improve efficiency.
- Rand Corporation
- http://www.rand.org
- This organization, the world’s archetypal think tank, strives to improve policy making and decision making through research and analysis. Rand’s Web site has information about all of its current research initiatives, past research findings online, information about its locations worldwide, and graduate program offerings.
- Strategic Planning Institute
- http://pimsonline.com
- This site enables business managers to “reality test” and strengthen their strategic thinking by comparing their thinking with the experience of comparable businesses drawn from the actual business cases documented in the PIMS (Profit Impact of Market Strategy) database. This Web site allows access to the experiences of more than 3,000 businesses.
- McKinsey Quarterly
- publishing@email.mckinsey.com
- All of the big four consulting and auditing enterprises have journals and studies available—published by their own consultants. McKinsey has a particular good track record in looking at future trends and global innovation. Deloitte is also quite good.
- Deloitte Consulting: Public Sector
- http://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/industries/public-sector.html
- All of the big four US accounting enterprises: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst & Young, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers (well these are international firms) have journals and studies available—published by their own consultants. Deloitte’s work on technology trends affecting the public sector is an excellent source.
- McKinsey Quarterly
- http://www.mckinsey.com/industries/public-sector.html
- McKinsey, a major consulting firm, has a particularly good track record in looking at future trends and technology innovation, especially in the area of scenarios and strategy that impact the public sector. Their quarterly journal is a great source for trend spotting.
- World Future Society
- http://www.wfs.org/
- The World Future Society was founded in 2016 as a nonprofit educational and scientific organization primarily based in the United States for the purpose of thinking about and devising methodologies for forecasting the future. On its fiftieth anniversary, it is re-inventing itself and creating a new organization for the future. While its website is under construction, this has been an excellent source for Futuring methodologies and worth checking out its new vision in 2017 or whenever it reappears.
- Regulations Gov
- http://www.regulations.gov
- No more trolling the federal register—there is a digital clearinghouse site for federal rulemaking. Types of regulations that can be found on this site include Proposed Rules and Rules, as well as Notices from the Federal Register and documents such as Public Comments and Supporting and Related Materials. You can now find copies of all 29 executive orders issued by President Obama in 2015. Another source is the National Archives at http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/.
- Center for Leadership Development and Research at Stanford University
- http://www.gsb.stanford.edu/cldr/
- The center promotes learning and scholarship in the area of organizational leadership and is based on the premise that leadership is something that is learned best through experience.
- Center for Creative Leadership
- http://www.ccl.org
- The center provides executive education that develops leaders through its focus on flexible work styles, leadership for sustainability, and high-impact succession development.
- OPM Leadership Development and Training
- http://www.leadership.opm.gov
- This site from the federal government’s Office of Personnel Management provides an array of information on developing leadership positions, including details about training, programs, and certificates. The centerpiece for federal leadership development and training remains the Federal Executive Institute.
- NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science
- http://www.ntl.org
- NTL Institute (National Training Laboratories Institute) provides organizations, leaders, and practitioners with research and guidance related to individual, team, and organization effectiveness.
- American Management Association
- http://www.amanet.org/
- You can even receive their regular newsletter on leadership strategies.
- http://playbook.amanet.org/
- Harvard Business Review
- http://www.HBR.org
- There are several top business management journals in North America—each with Web sites and resources to examine—but the Harvard Business Review is surely the most prolific, if not well known, for its devotion of space to the theory and practice of leadership.
- American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE)
- http://www.afge.org
- AFGE is the largest federal employee union, representing 600,000 federal and Washington, D.C. government workers nationwide and overseas. The AFGE site has news, current issues, legal information, and ways to become involved in the organization. The site also maintains links to all of the federal departments where the union has workers.
- American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
- http://www.afscme.org
- AFSCME is the nation’s largest public employee union, with more than 1.6 million active and retired members. The site has news, blogs, videos, legal issues, and other information for those in the union.
- American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
- http://www.astd.org
- ASTD is dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals. The site has information about its conferences, education programs, publications, and public policies. The site also contains the organization’s online magazine, TD, which covers best practices, emerging technologies and trends, and a range of issues relevant to workplace learning professionals.
- World Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA)
- http://www.wfpma.com
- The WFPMA represents more than 450,000 management professionals in over 70 national personnel associations around the world. The site has information about awards, news, research, publications, and events.
- Review of Public Personnel Administration
- http://rop.sagepub.com/
- ROPPA is the leading referred scholarly journal designed to promote and encourage new scholarship in public personnel management and labor relations. It is published through SPALR—the Section on Personnel Administration and Labor Relations of ASPA.
- International Public Management Association for Human Resources
- http://www.ipma-hr.org
- A cross sector Public Sector HRM organization with a broad range of services, but especially known for its updates on legal development in public sector HR. IPMA publishes Public Personnel Management (PPM) for human resource executives and managers in the public sector.
- US Office of Personnel Management
- http://www.opm.gov
- The federal government’s central personnel office with a wealth of information about all aspects of the federal employment and HR management. And it has a great data base –FEDSCOPE=- which enables you to breakdown all types of personnel actions by various categories for different federal agencies.
- Merit Systems Protection Board
- https://mspbwatch.org/tag/office-of-policy-and-evaluation
- While MSPB is thought of as the adjudicary agency for federal employee appeals and legal actions, it also conducts excellent research through its office of policy and evaluation and releases numerous studies on the state of the merit system.
- Center for State and Local Government Excellence
- http://www.slge.org
- For the best research and current studies on public sector pensions and benefits, featuring studies from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, SLGE is a premier source.
- Affirmative Action and Diversity Project
- http://aad.english.ucsb.edu
- This site from the University of California at Santa Barbra presents diverse opinions regarding affirmative action topics, rather than taking a singular pro or con position. Its goal is to help lend many different voices to the debates on affirmative action.
- Americans with Disabilities Act Document Center
- http://jan.wvu.edu/links/adalinks.htm
- Links to documents concerning themselves with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Civil Rights Division of the US Department of Justice (DOJ)
- http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/
- This DOJ division’s Web site provides news and resources concerning the enforcement of the nation’s civil rights laws and constitutional protections. It also allows individuals to file complaints with the DOJ.
- Commission on Civil Rights (CCR)
- http://www.usccr.gov
- The site offers publications on the CCR’s activities and information on myriad civil rights issues.
- National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE)
- http://www.pay-equity.org
- NCPE is a coalition of women’s and civil rights organizations; labor unions; religious, professional, legal, and educational associations; commissions on women; state and local pay equity coalitions; and individuals working to eliminate sex and race-based wage discrimination, and to achieve pay equity.
- Title IX Information
- http://www.titleix.info
- Title IX is a law passed in 1972 that requires gender equity for men and women in every educational program that receives federal funding. The site gives information about Title IX, tracks news stories where fights about Title IX are taking place, and encourages people to get involved in the fight to protect Title IX and ensure it is followed.
- US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
- http://www.eeoc.gov
- The EEOC is the primary unit of the federal government that enforces the nation’s employment laws. This site has news, information, and ways to file claims concerning equal employment opportunities and abuses.
- Movement Advancement Project
- http://www.lgbtmap.org
- Founded in 2006, the Movement Advancement Project is an independent think tank that provides rigorous research, insight, and analysis that helps speed up equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. MAP’s work is focused on three primary areas. See more at: http://www.lgbtmap.org/our-work-and-mission#sthash.Yu9u36tn.dpuf
- Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
- http://www.cbo.gov
- The CBO plays a major role in calculating the budgetary and fiscal projections that inform the decisions made by Congress. The CBO Web site includes economic forecasts, deficit and debt estimates, and projections for the solvency of entitlements programs such as Social Security and Medicare.
- Federal Reserve System
- http://www.federalreserve.gov
- The major organ of monetary policy in the United States maintains a Web site that gives access to Federal Reserve meeting minutes and policy decisions, and provides explanation on how the reserve works and how the money is being used.
- Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)
- http://www.gfoa.org
- The purpose of the GFOA Web site is to promote the professional management of governments by identifying and developing financial policies and best practices and promoting their use through education, training, facilitation of member networking, and leadership.
- National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO)
- http://www.nasbo.org
- NASBO serves as the professional organization for all state budget officers. The site allows access to reports and analysis on state budgets and provides budget officials with overviews of best practices for the management of public financial resources.
- US Office of Management and Budget
- http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb
- For anything you want to find out about the President’s executive budget—this site has the President’s Message, The Budget, Analytical Perspectives, Historical Tables, past Budgets. There is even an extensive section on historical data. The FY 2017 budget calls for over 4.1 trillion dollars in spending and covers over a thousand pages and another 1500 pages in the appendix.
- US census—Government Finance Statistics
- http://www.census.gov/govs/
- For any data on US federal, state, and local finances, employment, payroll, and even pensions—this is site gives the results of the census surveys of state and local governments, every 5 years, for years ending in 2 and 7, as required by law. This is the most authoriative source for baseline data to measure state and local governments’ fiscal relationships.
- Tax Foundation
- http://www.taxfoundation.org
- While the Tax Foundation has its interests, there’s no denying the quality of their research studies and the surveys they maintain on federal, state, and local government taxes and public revenues. If you are looking at taxes, this is a superb place to start.
- Congressional Research Service (CRS)
- http://www.loc.gov/crsinfo/
- The gold standard for budgeting studies and more on all issues involving the federal government, this arm of the Library of Congress produces some of the best introductory and in-depth research. The problem is that the studies are written for congress—and though public domain—are not made available to the public (as of yet). There is speculation that the library of studies will be placed on line—which for graduate students would mean a first stop to see if CRS has studied your topic of choice. This is policy and management research at its best.
- http://www.abfm.org
- While the Web site is a bit sparse, ABFM publishes the premier general journal in the field, Public Budgeting and Finance. Once a section of ASPA, it has Association status now and hosts its own annual conference.
- Association of Government Accountants (AGA)
- http://www.agacgfm.org/homepage.aspx
- The site has news and information for government accountability professionals.
- Association of Local Government Auditors (ALGA)
- http://www.governmentauditors.org
- The ALGA provides resources to individuals who perform financial audits of counties, cities, and towns. The association’s Web site has information about recent audits as well as job postings.
- California State Auditor (CSA)
- http://www.bsa.ca.gov
- California’s State Auditor is responsible for assuring that state expenditures are done legally. The CSA Web site includes reports and recommendations on how California can most effectively manage its financial resources.
- Defense Contract Auditing Agency (DCAA)
- http://www.dcaa.mil
- The DCAA plays a pivotal role in ensuring that defense spending is being done in an efficient and legal manner. The site includes online publications about the techniques used to audit various aspects of military programs.
- US Government Accountability Office (GAO)
- http://www.gao.gov
- The GAO examines the effectiveness and efficiency of federal programs and spending. This site has reports, laws, policies, and news pertaining to the US government and federal accountability.
- California Legislative Analyst Office
- http://www.lao.ca.gov
- The majority of states have some form of evaluation arm—Califorinia’s is only one good example, but it is an exceptional one to see the range and depth of evaluation and budget review studies a state agency can perform.
- Inspector Generals (IGs)
- Another important source for evaluation information in the federal government are Inspector Generals. For a good overview of what IGs are and what they do, see a study by CRS: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R43814.pdf. You can check any large federal agency to see if they have an IG and find their Web site. For a good example of what a well-armed IG can do, look no further than the US Post Office: http://www.uspsoig.gov.
- Evaluation Review (ERX)
- http://www.erx.sagepub.com
- An interdisciplinary forum for social science researchers, planners, and policy makers who develop, implement, and utilize studies designed to improve the human condition. Consistently highly ranked and cited, Evaluation Review brings together the latest applied evaluation methods used in a wide range of disciplines.