What’s New?
Here is a listing of new things about the third edition of Memory compared to the second edition.
General Changes: More “Try It Out” boxes, the inclusion of “Improve Your Memory” and “Study In-Depth boxes, and more questions at the end of the chapters.
Chapter 2: Added section on the Default Mode Network, more in-depth discussion of hippocampal structure and functioning, more detailed description of how MRI scans work, added sections on consolidation (both synaptic and systems) as well as reconsolidation, and added section on neurogenesis and memory change.
Chapter 3: Moved out the work on social influences on memory retrieval and on adaptive memory to later chapters, provided a better account of Jost’s Law, and added discussion of eye tracking and pupillometry.
Chapter 4: Moved in the section on synesthesia, and expanded coverage on short-term memory decay.
Chapter 5: Moved in the section on anxiety, expanded coverage of the word-length effect, inclusion of Conway’s embedded process model, inclusion of Engle’s attention control model, inclusion of the n-back test, and coverage of the influence of video games and working memory training.
Chapter 6: More in-depth coverage of causal learning, added-in section on motor learning and negative transfer, expanded coverage of theories of skill acquisition and expertise, and expanded coverage of research on memory under anesthesia.
Chapter 7: Explicit coverage of the concept of mental time travel, deeper coverage of the testing effect, deeper coverage of adaptive memory, much better coverage of prospective memory, and consideration of the topic of episodic future thinking.
Chapter 8: Included coverage of Schacter’s seven sins of memory, Bjork’s New Theory of Disuse, and the influence of quiet resting on reducing interference effects. Also, moved coverage of directed forgetting to this chapter, and expanded this coverage, included coverage of the influence of retraction and memory, moved coverage of collaborative inhibition to this chapter, and moved coverage of the effects of drugs and alcohol on memory to this chapter.
Chapter 10: Now includes consideration of modified versions of the generate-recognize model, a description of the SARKAE model, which developed out of SAM, is considered, and a more in-depth consideration of PDP models, such as the issue of catastrophic interference.
Chapter 11: More real-world examples included along with more in-depth consideration of landmark, route, and survey knowledge in mental maps.
Chapter 12: Inclusions of cue word and diary methods of studying autobiographical memory, consideration of the functions of autobiographical memory, cultural influences on autobiographical memory, and moved infantile amnesia to chapter on infancy and childhood.
Chapter 13: Misinformation effect and memory blending are now covered. The discussion of confabulation moved to this chapter.
Chapter 14: Correction of the exposition of wording effects, and expanded coverage of unconscious transference.
Chapter 15: Inclusion of recognition without awareness, expanded coverage of mnemonics, and inclusion of highly superior autobiographical memory syndrome.
Chapter 16: Infantile amnesia moved to this chapter, inclusion of coverage of children’s development of episodic future thinking, and addition of coverage of childhood amnesia.
Chapter 17: Coverage of testing older adults: cross-sectional versus longitudinal studies, and moved coverage of dementia to this chapter.
Chapter 18: Expanded coverage of transient global amnesia and moved coverage of specific amnesias to this chapter.
Comparison with Schwartz 2e
Topics not covered by Radvansky 3e that are not covered by Schwartz 2e
- Production effect
- Automaticity of encoding
- Picture superiority effect
- Concreteness effect
- Retrieval plans
- Reminiscence
- Hypermnesia
- Eye tracking
- Pupillometry
- Clustering measures
- Pollyanna Principle
- Anorthoscopic perception
- Trans-saccadic memory
- Change blindness
- Influence of synesthesia
- Difference between serial and parallel processing
- Suffix effect
- Memory for serial order
- Working memory models apart from Baddeley’s multicomponent model
- Working memory span tests
- Influence of video games and working memory training programs
- Episodic future thinking
- Bjork’s New Theory of Disuse
- Associative interference and the fan effect
- Generalized interference
- Benefits of restful periods on preventing interference
- Negative priming in memory retrieval
- Retraction and memory
- Drug and alcohol effects on forgetting
- Embodied aspects of semantic memory
- Mediated priming
- Nature and development of semantic memories
- Classical and explanation-based theories of categorization
- Moses Illusion
- Naïve physics
- The functions of autobiographical memory
- Schema-Copy-Plus-Tag model
- Cryptomnesia
- False fame effect
- Misinformation effect
- Revelation effect
- John Dean’s memory
- Eyewitness confidence
- Eyewitness identification
- Jury memory
- Knowing that you don’t know
- Recognition without awareness
- Hindsight bias
- Highly superior autobiographical memory
- Childhood amnesia
- Age-related testing issues
Topics covered more in depth by Radvansky 3e than by Schwartz 2e
- Historical precursors to the study of memory
- The sensory registers
- Short-term memory
- Exposition of the modal model of memory
- Coverage of memory metaphors
- Coverage of the hippocampus
- Neuroimaging methods
- Coverage of issues related to episodic forgetting
- Distinction made between schemas and scripts
- Coverage of formal models of memory
- Coverage of source monitoring
Other differences
- More space dedicated to the coverage of experimental methodology and practice, in my Chapter 3.
- More in depth sections on how to improve memory through the book.
- Clearly marked separate sections on how to improve memory throughout the book which can be helpful for independent work and classes having lab section.
- Chapter on Methods and Principles completely missing in Schwartz. This information is combined in a much abbreviated for his introductory chapter.
- Chapter on nondeclarative/procedural memory.
- Chapter devoted to forgetting.
- Schwartz has large section on language that is more appropriate for a class on cognitive psychology than one focused on learning and memory.
- Separate chapter on memory and the law.
- Infantile amnesia covered in chapter on infancy and childhood.