
Chapter 1 What is Multicultural Psychology?

Review Questions

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  1. What is the definition of multicultural psychology?
  2. What does it mean to say that race is a social construct?
  3. How are prejudice and discrimination different?
  4. Which groups experience the most discrimination?

Three Attitudes Toward Cultural Diversity

  1. What are the three types of attitudes toward cultural diversity?
  2. What are the similarities between attitudes toward cultural diversity and attitudes toward climate change?
  3. Where do political conservatives and liberals fit into the three types of attitudes toward cultural diversity?

Three Research Approaches to Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

  1. How do generalizability research, group differences research, and multicultural psychology research differ from one another?
  2. Why are African Americans more individualistic than other groups?
  3. What research topics are the foci of group differences vs. multicultural research journals?
  4. Why is it important to focus on racial or ethnic groups rather than on general patterns of culture?

Resource Links


Cultural Humility

If You’ve Seen One, You’ve Seen Them All? Variety is the Spice of Life


The Danger of a Single Story: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

The Science Behind Why People Think Stereotypes Are True

A Conversation with White People on Race

White Privilege

Chapter 2 Racial/Ethnic Identity and Acculturation

Review Questions

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Models of Racial/Ethnic Identity

  1. What are the definitions of racial identity and ethnic identity?
  2. What are the four stages of the Cross model of racial identity?
  3. How do the five models of racial/ethnic identity in the chapter compare?
  4. How are assimilationist and humanist identities similar?

Models of Acculturation

  1. What are Berry’s four modes of acculturation?
  2. How does acculturation affect mental health?
  3. How do LaFromboise’s five models of acculturation correspond with Berry’s model?
  4. Why is alternation considered an optimal model of acculturation?

Resource Links


Be True to Your School(s): Integrating Identities

Never Home for the Holidays: The Unbearable Otherness of Being Biracial


Immigrant Voices Make Democracy Stronger – Sayu Bhojwani

Chapter 3 Multicultural Research Methods

Review Questions

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Quantitative Research Methods

The scientific method

  1. Why is it important for research to be externally valid?

Theory-guided research

  1. Why is a theory important to guide research?

Sampling issues

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of convenience samples?

Recruitment of participants

  1. How does a culture broker mediate between two groups?

Ethnic and racial identification

  1. Why are single categories inadequate for assessing race and ethnicity?

Cultural equivalence of constructs and measures

  1. Why is it important for measurement to be equivalent across racial and ethnic groups?

Culture-specific constructs

  1. What are some examples of distal and proximal constructs?

Data analyses

  1. What kinds of research questions can moderator and mediator analyses answer?

Qualitative Research Methods

  1. How are data analyzed in qualitative research?

Qualitative inquiry methods

  1. How does participatory action research empower communities to make change?

Resource Links


Navel Gazing: Who Has Psychology Research Left Behind?


Psychological Research

Chapter 4 Biological Psychology

Review Questions

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Genetic Psychology

  1. How do cultural norms interact with genes to influence behavior?

Genes and intelligence

  1. What social factor accounts for racial differences in IQ scores?

Genetics and alcohol use

  1. What environmental factors interact with genes to influence drinking behavior?

Cultural Neuroscience

  1. How do collectivist cultural factors influence neural response?

Health Disparities

  1. Why is acculturation inconsistently associated with health?

Discrimination and health disparities

  1. What are the effects of allostatic load?

Cancer disparities

  1. What physician behaviors account for cancer disparities among Latinx and Asian Americans?

HIV disparities

  1. What individual and structural factors contribute to HIV disparities?

Reducing health disparities

  1. What can be done in society and in communities of color to reduce health disparities?

Resource Links


Dying Not to Stand Out: Asian Americans Dying Unnecessarily


Cultural Neuroscience

Chapter 5 Developmental Psychology

Review Questions

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Parents and Families

Parenting styles

  1. What is the purpose of strict parenting in families of color?

Acculturation in families

  1. Why might Southeast Asian and East Asian immigrant families experience more intergenerational conflict than Mexican immigrant families?

Racial and Ethnic Identity

Racial and ethnic socialization

  1. Why might Chinese immigrant mothers who experience discrimination be less likely than mothers from other groups to culturally socialize their children?

Development of racial and ethnic identity

  1. Why does a sense of shared destiny increase during adolescence?

Intersectional Identities

Cross-ethnic friendships

  1. Why are cross-ethnic friendships associated with feelings of safety in middle school?

Sexual behavior and identity

  1. What internal experiences trigger sexual identity awareness?

Resource Links


Secret Asian Man?: There Is No “Secret” to Academic Success


A Conversation with My Black Son

Chapter 6 Social Psychology

Review Questions

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  1. What are the differences between European Americans’ and African Americans’ thresholds for racial progress?

Current Forms of Discrimination

  1. What are some group-specific microaggressions?
  2. How does ethnic identity influence the effects of microaggressions?

Stereotype Threat

  1. What interventions have been demonstrated to reduce stereotype threat?
  2. How can positive stereotypes have a negative impact?

Intergroup Relations

  1. What are the effects of multicultural vs. color-blind approaches to prejudice reduction?
  2. Why does intergroup contact benefit European Americans more than people of color?

Resource Links


The Platinum Rule: Treat Others the Way They Wish to Be Treated


How Microaggressions Are Like Mosquito Bites

If White People Had to Deal with Microaggressions

Chapter 7 Clinical Psychology

Review Questions

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  1. What are the most common mental disorders experienced during one’s lifetime?


  1. What attention is there to culture in the DSM?

Ethnic Differences in Psychopathology

  1. What evidence is there for people of color being mentally healthier than European Americans?
  2. What is the culture-specific explanation of relatively low rates of psychopathology among people of color?

Underutilization of Mental Health Services

  1. Which ethnic group is least likely to use mental health services and most likely to associate stigma with using mental health services?
  2. What makes most mental health services culturally unresponsive?

Culturally-Adapted Interventions

  1. How does therapist multicultural competence affect psychotherapy?
  2. What is the difference between “top down” and “bottom up” cultural adaptations?

Resource Links


Getting Better or Getting Well?: How Culture Can Improve Your Health

Occidental Tourist: Lost in (Mindful) Translation


Challenges and Rewards of a Culturally-Informed Approach to Mental Health – Jessica Dere

Chapter 8 African Americans

Review Questions

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  1. What was psychology’s response to Social Darwinism?
  2. How did ABPsi and BSPA challenge the psychology status quo?

Gender Role Identity

  1. What are the effects of conformity to masculine gender role norms?
  2. How does John Henryism promote African American men’s health?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a strong Black woman?

Religious and Spiritual Identity

  1. How do religiosity and spirituality differ?
  2. What are positive and negative effects of African American religious participation and commitment?

Resource Links


What is Healthy Masculinity? It May Involve Femininity


A Conversation with Black Women on Race

If Black People Said the Stuff White People Say

Chapter 9 Asian Pacific Americans

Review Questions

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  1. Why did the internment of Japanese Americans take place during World War II on the west coast of the United States?
  2. What changes did the Immigration Act of 1965 bring?

Gender Roles

  1. How do the Asianized attribution and transgressive attribution frameworks differently disadvantage Asian American men?
  2. How does being perceived as feminine advantage and disadvantage Asian American women?

Model Minority Myth

  1. How are perceptions of non-Asian minority groups affected by the model minority myth?
  2. What are the effects of internalizing the model minority myth?

Resource Links


Only Penguins Look Alike: Internment Camps Are Still a Bad Idea

Life as a Banana: Asian American Identity


A Conversation with Asian Americans on Race

If Asians Said the Stuff White People Say

What Kind of Asian Are You?

Chapter 10 Latinx Americans

Review Questions

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  1. When was a wall between Mexico and the United States first constructed and by what presidential administration?
  2. Why are Cuban Americans considered by some to be a model minority?

Gender Roles

  1. What are the positive and negative effects of caballerismo?
  2. What aspects of marianismo are burdensome for Latina American adults?


  1. How does a protective parenting style differ from other parenting styles?
  2. What are the effects of familismo on college students?

Resource Links


Familismo: The Importance of Family for College Students’ Mental Health


A Conversation with Latinos on Race

Chapter 11 Native Americans

Review Questions

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  1. What were the effects of boarding schools on Native health?
  2. What were the goals of AIM in occupying Alcatraz Island?

Gender Roles

  1. How does the cultural fit of Native Americans’ activities affect their mental health?
  2. What types of microaggressions are particularly upsetting to Native American women?

Historical Trauma

  1. Why is PTSD inadequate to explain historical trauma?
  2. Why is Native cultural identification associated with distress?


Cultural Identity Theft


Changing the Way We See Native Americans – Matika Wilbur

Native Americans Review “Indian” Sports Mascots

Cultural Appropriation