Music in the Classical World provides a broad sociocultural and historical perspective of the music of the Classical Period as it relates to the world in which it was created. It is intended to establish a background on the span of time–1725 to 1815–offering a context for the music made during one of the more vibrant periods of achievement in history.
In keeping with the goals of this work, this supplement has been created as a way of providing a more kaleidoscopic approach that goes beyond the text itself by giving broader information on the composers and works, with particular focus on performance and, where possible, scores of the works. It also includes tips for further reading, as well as listening. It is intended to replace the conventional anthology by allowing for exploration on line through links and an evolving set of examples, linking both scores and performances available in the public domain for students. Finally, this supplement includes tips for listening and basic analysis, so that students of this period are able to discern the architectonic structures of the music and how these developed.
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