Day 1 Agreement of verb and subject
Day 2 Reported speech
Day 3 The present tense
Day 4 Statistics and numbers
Day 5 Adjective agreements
Day 6 Comparatives and superlatives
Day 7 Alternatives to adverbs
Day 8 Use of articles
Day 9 Quantifiers
Day 10 Use of tenses with
Day 11 False friends and Anglicized spelling
Day 12 Past tenses
Day 13 Expressions of time
Day 14 Agreement of past participles
Day 15 Pronominal verbs
Day 16 The passive
Day 17 Alternatives to the passive
Day 18 Personal pronouns
Day 19 The negative
Day 20 Inversion of subject and verb
Day 21 Relative pronouns
Day 22 The infinitive and present participle
Day 23 Logical connectors
Day 24 Modal verbs
Day 25 Sentence openings
Day 26 Prepositions
Day 27 Conjunctions
Day 28 Highlighting and emphasis
Day 29 Verb constructions
Day 30 Accents, elision and capitalization