Electronic and Experimental Music:
Technology, Music, and Culture, Sixth Edition

Presents an extensive history of electronic music—from its historical beginnings in the late nineteenth century to its everchanging present—recounting the musical ideas that arose in parallel with technological progress.

In four parts, the author details the fundamentals of electronic music, its history, the major synthesizer innovators, and contemporary practices.

This examination of the music’s experimental roots covers the key composers, genres, and techniques used in analog and digital synthesis, including both art and popular music, Western and non-Western.

New to this edition:

  • A reorganized and revised chapter structure places technological advances within a historical framework.
  • Shorter chapters offer greater modularity and flexibility for instructors
  • Discussions on the elements of sound, listening to electronic music, electronic music in the mainstream, Eurorack, and more.
  • An appendix of historically important electronic music studios around the globe.

This Companion Website features:

  • Student resources
  • Additional Listening Guides
  • Links to streaming Audio examples and Video resources
  • PowerPoint slides
  • Interactive quizzes.

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