
Welcome to the companion website for the fourth edition of Learning to Teach in the Primary School, edited by Teresa Cremin and Cathy Burnett.

The fourth edition of this bestselling textbook is fully updated with reference to the new National Curriculum and has been revised to provide even more practical advice and guidance to trainee primary teachers.

On this accompanying website, you will find the following additional resources:

For instructors:

  • a testbank of questions;
  • assignable tasks;
  • a sample introductory chapter available to download.

For students:

  • annotated links to useful websites;
  • annotated links to relevant video clips with additional activities;
  • the tables and figures from the book available to download.

The testbank of questions, assignable tasks and annotated links to video clips have all been prepared by Dr Alice Hansen, Educational Consultant at Children Count Ltd.

Book Information Complimentary Exam Copy

Book Cover