New to the 5th Edition
Chapter 1
Coverage of transgender issues, including updated information on the modification to the DSM-V (see sidebar 1.1).
Inclusion of new gender key terms to reflect the changing landscape of gender terminology.
Discussion of Boko Haram and kidnapping of girls.
Discussion of intersectionality.
Discussion of three waves of feminism.
Chapter 2
Streamlined more of the history of gender research.
Brought in the issue of intersectionality in the context of gender-role strain.
Updated current movements
Chapter 3
Intersectionality interwoven throughout the chapter.
More on gender system justification – specifically as mechanism underlying benevolent sexism and backlash.
Coverage of transgender issues in regards to sexism, stereotyping, and discrimination.
Expanded section on backlash, now assigned special section.
Chapter 4
Updates to sex comparison research – most recent research shows sex differences in math have completely disappeared for example; sex differences appear on more narrowly defined constructs.
More recent research on the mental rotation task.
Added section on empathic accuracy.
Elaborated section on erotic plasticity.
Added new research on deontology and utilitarianism views of morality.
Greater recognition of gene-environment interaction.
Chapter 5
Included pink frilly dress phenomenon.
Added an extension of cognitive development cog theory to include the Gender Self-Socialization model.
Expansion of research on biology – specifically, genes, hormones, and brain.
Increased emphasis on interaction between genes and environment.
Expansion on implications of theories for gender identity development and gender atypical behavior – transgendered individuals.
Chapter 6
Added rejection sensitivity research.
Expanded section on stereotype threat, as this research has really proliferated.
Updated research on single-sex education.
Chapter 7
Included more recent data on internet communication.
Included more recent data on leadership.
Added quite a number of new meta-analyses that were conducted in communication.
Expanded leadership section to include subsection on effect of female leaders on group performance.
Chapter 8
Elaborated section on work friendship.
Elaborated section on gay/lesbian friendship and included transgender friendship.
Moved relational aggression sidebar in chapter 7 to be a more complete discussion in this chapter in the conflict section – expanded this section as a major form of conflict.
Added cyberbullying as a form of conflict.
Added friends with benefits relationships as sidebar.
Expanded section on cross-race friendship.
Chapter 9
Complete overhaul of the research on this chapter as new research has altered the conclusions drawn from bodies of research:
- mate preferences (speed dating literature shows that what people say in the abstract differs from what they say when interacting with real potential partners)
- jealousy (numerous methodological differences that suggest most people are more upset by emotional than sexual infidelity)
- cohabiting – much more common, most recent evidence is that cohabitation it is not bad for marital relationships – especially if one cohabits with the person one marries
Greater inclusion of homosexual relationships.
Greater information on casual sex relationships and hookups.
Inclusion of internet dating in sidebar.
Updated the information on abstinent only vs. comprehensive sex education – included a website in this regard:
Chapter 10
Major updates to all statistics on mortality, morbidity, and health behaviors (e.g., rates of smoking, obesity, drug usage).
More information on health of LGBT.
More attention to race/ethnicity relations to health and health behaviors.
Chapter 11
Added section on stalking.
Updated divorce/breakup section – now clear that it is worse for men than women.
Chapter 12
Added glass cliff phenomenon.
Provided more information on system justification theory.
Elaborated on reasons for pay disparity.
Updated pay disparity statistics.
Chapter 13
Included information on “fat talk.”
Expanded discussion of oxytocin.
Added pessimistic attributional style to learned helplessness.
Updated rumination to the newer version of scale and deleted distraction from the discussion.
Condensed coping to main finding that women cope more than men.
Deleted section on private self-consciousness.