
Welcome to the companion website for the fourth edition of the Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts. Hosted on this site you will find additional resources from a selection of chapters. These ancillary materials include bibliographies, lesson examples, and videos, as well as links to other online resources on related topics to those addressed in the Handbook.

Now in its fourth edition, the Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts sponsored by the International Literacy Association and the National Council of Teachers of English remains at the forefront in bringing together prominent scholars, researchers, and professional leaders to offer an integrated perspective on teaching the English language arts and a comprehensive overview of research in the field. Reflecting important developments since the publication of the third edition in 2010, this new edition is streamlined and completely restructured around “big ideas” in the field related to theoretical and research foundations, learners in context, and new literacies.

Diane Lapp is a Distinguished Professor of Education in the Department of Teacher Education at San Diego State University, USA.

Douglas Fisher is a Professor in Department of Educational Leadership at San Diego State University, USA.

Both Lapp and Fisher are teacher leaders at Health Sciences High and Middle College in San Diego, CA.

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