Structure Drills

1. I’ve done it already (Use and structure note 19.2)

Click “Prompt” to hear a statement that you have to do some activity. Respond that you have already done it. Then, click “Response” to hear the correct responds.
Prompt: 你要看wán这本书。You have to finish reading this book.
Response: 这本书我已经看wán了。This book, I’ve already finished reading it.

Example. Prompt:


Example. Response:


a. Prompt

a. Response

b. Prompt

b. Response

c. Prompt

c. Response

d. Prompt

d. Response

e. Prompt

e. Response

f. Prompt

f. Response

g. Prompt

g. Response

h. Prompt

h. Response

i. Prompt

i. Response

j. Prompt

j. Response

2. I did it, but I wasn’t successful (Use and structure note 19.2)

Click on “Prompt” to hear a question asking if you succeeded in doing something. Respond that you did the action but were not successful at completing it. Then, click “Response” to hear the correct response.
Prompt: 那本书你找到了吗?Did you find that book?
Response: 那本书,我找了,可是没找到。That book, I looked for it but I didn’t find it.

Example. Prompt:


Example. Response:


a. Prompt

a. Response

b. Prompt

b. Response

c. Prompt

c. Response

d. Prompt

d. Response

e. Prompt

e. Response

f. Prompt

f. Response

g. Prompt

g. Response

h. Prompt

h. Response

3. Extremely! (Use and structure note 19.3)

Click “Prompt” to hear a question about the quality of some person or thing. Respond that the person or thing has an extremely lot of that quality. Then, click “Response” to hear the correct response.
Prompt: 今天的考试难吗?Was today’s exam difficult?
Response: 今天的考试难极了。Today’s exam was extremely difficult.

Example. Prompt:


Example. Response:


a. Promp

a. Response

b. Prompt

b. Response

c. Prompt

c. Response

d. Prompt

d. Response

e. Prompt

e. Response

f. Prompt

f. Response

g. Prompt

g. Response

h. Prompt

h. Response

i. Prompt

i. Response

j. Prompt

j. Response

4. both …and yòu AdjV1 … yòu AdjV2 (Use and structure note 19.7)

Click “Prompt” to hear two qualities followed by a noun or noun phrase. Respond that the noun or noun phrase has both the first quality and the second quality. Then click “Response” to hear the correct response.
Prompt: piányi、好吃、中国饭 cheap, delicious, Chinese food
Response: 中国饭yòu piányi yòu好吃。Chinese food is both cheap and delicious.

Example. Prompt:


Example. Response:

中国饭yòu piányi yòu好吃。

a. Prompt

a. Response

b. Prompt

b. Response

c. Prompt

c. Response

d. Prompt

d. Response

e. Prompt

e. Response

f. Prompt

f. Response

g. Prompt

g. Response

h. Prompt

h. Response

5. bǎ with resultative verbs (Use and structure note 19.8)

Click “Prompt” to hear someone tell you what to do. Respond that you have done it, using bǎ and a resultative verb. Then, click “Response” to hear the correct response.
Prompt: 你要看wán这本书。 You have to finish reading this book.
Response: 我bǎ这本书看wán了。I took this book and finished reading it.

Example. Prompt:


Example. Response:


a. Prompt

a. Response

b. Prompt

b. Prompt

c. Prompt

c. Prompt

d. Prompt

d. Prompt

e. Prompt

e. Prompt

f. Prompt

f. Prompt

g. Prompt

g. Prompt

h. Prompt

h. Prompt

i. Prompt

i. Prompt

j. Prompt

j. Prompt

6. Put the object in a location (Use and structure note 19.8, 19.11)

Click “Prompt” to hear a statement that some object has been put in a location. Respond that you put the object in that location, using bǎ. Then, click “Response” to hear the correct response.
Prompt: 书放在书jià上了。The book is put in the bookcase.
Response: 我bǎ书放在书jià上了。I took the book and put it in the bookcase.

Example. Prompt:


Example. Response:


a. Prompt

a. Response

b. Prompt

b. Response

c. Prompt

c. Response

d. Prompt

d. Response

e. Prompt

e. Response

f. Prompt

f. Response

g. Prompt

g. Response

h. Prompt

h. Response

i. Prompt

i. Response

j. Prompt

j. Response

7. Negation of bǎ sentences (Use and structure note 19.8)

Click “Prompt” to hear a statement that someone finished doing something. Respond by saying that they didn’t do it. Then, click “Response” to hear the correct response.
Prompt: 小谢bǎ那本书看wán了。Little Xie finished reading that book.
Response: 小谢没bǎ那本书看wán。Little Xie did not finished reading that book.

Example. Prompt:


Example. Response:


a. Prompt

a. Response

b. Prompt

b. Response

c. Prompt

c. Response

d. Prompt

d. Response

e. Prompt

e. Response

f. Prompt

f. Response

8. Don’t do it! (Use and structure note 14.8)

Click “Prompt” to hear me say that I put some object in a location. Respond by telling me not to put that object in that location. Then, click “Response” to hear the correct response.
Prompt: 我bǎ书放在地上了。I put the book on the floor.
Response: 请你不要bǎ书放在地上。Please don’t put the book on the floor.

Example. Prompt:


Example. Response:


a. Prompt

a. Response

b. Prompt

b. Response

c. Prompt

c. Response

d. Prompt

d. Response

e. Prompt

e. Response

f. Prompt

f. Response

g. Prompt

g. Response

h. Prompt

h. Response

i. Prompt

i. Response

9. You have to do it (Use and structure note 19.9)

Click “Prompt” to hear someone ask if you have to do something. Respond by saying you have to do it, using 非Verb不可. Then, click “Response” to hear the correct response.
Prompt: 那本书你一定要看吗?Do you have to read that book?
Response: 对,那本书我非看不可。Yes, I can’t NOT read it. (I have to read it.)

Example. Prompt:


Example. Response:


a. Prompt

a. Response

b. Prompt

b. Response

c. Prompt

c. Response

d. Prompt

d. Response

e. Prompt

e. Response

f. Prompt

f. Response

g. Prompt

g. Response

10. As soon as I do this, I do that. (Use and structure note 16.5)

Click “Prompt” to hear what someone does after they do something else. Respond by saying as soon as the person does the first action, he or she does the second action, using 一 。。。 就. Then, click “Response” to hear the correct response.
Prompt: 我下了课就去图书馆。I get out of class and go to the library.
Response: 我一下课,就去图书馆。As soon as I get out of class I go to the library.

Example. Prompt:


Example. Response:


a. Prompt

a. Response

b. Prompt

b. Response

c. Prompt

c. Response

d. Prompt

d. Response

e. Prompt

e. Response

f. Prompt

f. Response

g. Prompt

g. Response

h. Prompt

h. Response

i. Prompt

i. Response

j. Prompt

j. Response

11. Whenever. (Use and structure note 16.5)

Click “Prompt” to hear what someone does when they do something else. Respond by saying as soon as the person does the first action, he or she does the second action, using 一 。。。 就. Then, click “Response” to hear the correct response.
Prompt: 我上中文课的时候想shuì觉。When I attend Chinese class I want to sleep.
Response: 我一上中文课就想shuì觉。As soon as I go to Chinese class I want to go to sleep.

Example. Prompt:


Example. Response:


a. Prompt

a. Response

b. Prompt

b. Response

c. Prompt

c. Response

d. Prompt

d. Response