
Now in its ninth edition, this bestselling text continues to blend clarity of explanation with depth of coverage to present students with the fundamental principles of soil mechanics. From the foundations of the subject through to its application in practice, Craig’s Soil Mechanics provides an indispensable companion to undergraduate courses and beyond.

Revised and fully reworked throughout, several chapters have been significantly extended or had fresh topics added to ensure this new edition reflects more than ever the demands of civil engineering today.

As a recommendation, the website https://faculty.engineering.ucdavis.edu/boulanger/photo-album/ contains a range of images of geotechnical constructions and failures which may be freely used for educational purposes.

What you will find on this website

Student resources:

  • Glossary flashcards, testing your knowledge of key terms from the book.
  • Additional materials including innovative spreadsheet tools, digital datasets, worked examples and extended case studies.
  • Useful weblinks, directing you to a host of further online resources on each topic.

Instructor resources:

  • Solutions to end of chapter problems from within the book.
  • Additional material including digital datasets to accompany worked examples and problems.
  • All the figures from the book available to download for your own use.