Also Available from Annette Breaux and Todd Whitaker

- Making Good Teaching Great: Everyday Strategies for Teaching with Impact
- Annette Breaux and Todd Whitaker
Every good teacher strives to be a great teacher, and this must-have book shows you how! It’s filled with practical tips and strategies for connecting with your students in a meaningful and powerful way. Learn how to improve student learning with easy-to-implement daily activities designed to integrate seamlessly into any day of the school year. This is a readable, hands-on guide for both new and seasoned teachers—complete with “20-Day Reality Checks” so you can reflect on your progress and identify areas for improvement.

- 101 “Answers” for New Teachers and Their Mentors, Second Edition: Effective Teaching Tips for Daily Classroom Use
- Annette Breaux
Updated: the second edition of this best-selling title features brand new strategies plus illustrations! Make sure your new teachers are ready for the realities of the classroom. Be confident that their mentors are focused and effective. Organized so that new teachers can read it by themselves, this book can also be studied collaboratively with veteran teachers who have been selected to mentor them. Addressing the questions and struggles of all new teachers—with simple solutions—this book generates instant impact on teacher effectiveness, promotes communication between new teachers and their mentors, and offers strategies for any teacher looking to become more effective.

In the latest edition of this renowned book, you will find pearls of wisdom, earnest advice, and inspiration from one of the nation’s leading authorities on staff motivation, teacher leadership, and principal effectiveness. With wit and understanding, Todd Whitaker describes the beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and interactions of great teachers and explains what they do differently, including meaning what you say, focusing on students first, and putting yourself in their position.
Don’t forget the helpful What Great Teachers Do Differently Study Guide, packed with activities and strategies to help teachers engage in critical thinking, collaboration, and professional growth.
On the What Great Teachers Do Differently Audio CD, you can hear Todd Whitaker describe the beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes of our best teachers.
The What Great Teachers Do Differently DVD and Facilitator’s Guide can be used in teacher workshops, study groups, or with school improvement teams and includes 11 programs totaling over two hours!

Inspire yourself and others with the second edition of this best-selling book. With heartfelt advice, practical wisdom, and examples from the field, Todd Whitaker explains the qualities and practices that distinguish great principals. New features include developing an accurate sense of self, understanding the dynamics of change, and dealing with negative or ineffective staff members. Discover what you can do differently.
Check out the What Great Principals Do Differently Study Guide, stuffed with discussion questions, group activities, and strategies for applying the book’s concepts and ideas in daily practice.
On the What Great Principals Do Differently Audio CD, Todd Whitaker speaks directly to listeners about the specific things that distinguish great principals.
.The book includes six programs totaling over two hours and can be used in teacher workshops, study groups, and school improvement teams.

- Teach Smart: 11 Learner-Centered Strategies That Ensure Student Success
- P.J. Caposey and Todd Whitaker
Transform your classroom from teacher-centered to learner-centered! This book shows you how to put students at the center with 11 easy-to-implement strategies you can use immediately. Get your students geared up for success and high achievement with great ideas for providing a roadmap; giving the work back; differentiating daily instruction; communicating for your audience, not to your audience; giving students choices; planning intentional engagement; asking better questions; and more. For each strategy, you get a clear example of what it looks like in action, as well as a breakdown of how to make it work in your classroom.

- Teaching Matters, Second Edition: How to Keep Your Passion and Thrive in Today’s Classroom
- Todd Whitaker and Beth Whitaker
Recharge your batteries and rekindle your excitement about teaching! This new, updated edition of the best-selling book, Teaching Matters: Motivating and Inspiring Yourself, offers practical advice on working with colleagues for inspiration, using social media to connect with other professionals, and adding fresh new appeal to your lessons. The practical ideas and inspirational examples in this book will help you keep your passion for education alive and thriving in your classroom. Get use-now tips on everything from creating a positive atmosphere in the classroom to dealing with difficult peers. This is truly a must-have motivational resource for all educators.

- 50 Ways to Improve Student Behavior: Simple Solutions to Classroom Challenges
- Annette Breaux and Todd Whitaker
New from best-selling authors Annette Breaux and Todd Whitaker, 50 Ways to Improve Student Behavior is a must-read reference for teachers, both new and experienced! In a lively and engaging style, Annette Breaux and Todd Whitaker share 50 simple, straightforward techniques for improving student behavior and increasing student cooperation, participation, and achievement. Each practical, well-defined strategy can be applied in classrooms of all grade levels and subjects. Strategies include how to make students more responsible, how to nip potential problems in the bud, learning what to overlook, establishing classroom rules and procedures, and teaching in small bites. (It makes students hungrier!) As student behavior improves, so too will the quality of learning in your classroom. With this book, you can begin to introduce a host of new strategies into your teaching practice today!
Pick up your copy of the 50 Ways to Improve Student Behavior Study Guide for use as a roadmap in seminars, book study groups, and other professional development events.

- 101 Poems for Teachers
- Annette Breaux
One of the most sought-after and dynamic speakers in education, Annette Breaux has inspired audiences of teachers and administrators across the country. She has incorporated each of her presentations with her heartwarming original poetry. This collection brings together 101 of Breaux’s poems, from which teachers and school staff can draw continued motivation and enjoyment.

- Great Quotes for Great Educators
- Todd Whitaker and Dale Lumpa
This book contains over 600 insightful, witty nuggets to motivate and inspire you and everyone else at your school. Teachers, display these quotes in your classrooms! Administrators, insert them into your faculty memos and share them at staff meetings! Why is this book unique? It includes over 100 original quotes from internationally acclaimed speaker and educator Todd Whitaker, features real quotes from real students which echo wit and wisdom for educators, and each quote has a direct connection to your life as an educator.

- Dealing with Difficult Parents: And with Parents in Difficult Situations
- Todd Whitaker and Douglas Fiore
This book helps teachers, principals, superintendents, and all educators develop a repertoire of tools and skills for comfortable and effective interaction with parents. It shows you how to deal with the parent who is bossy, volatile, argumentative, aggressive, or maybe the worst—apathetic. It provides specific phrases to use with parents to help you avoid using "trigger" words which unintentionally make matters worse. It will show you how to deliver bad news to good parents, how to build positive credibility to all types of parents, and how to foster the kind of parent involvement which leads to student success.

- Dealing with Difficult Teachers, Third Edition
- Todd Whitaker
The third edition of this best-selling book shows you how to handle staff members who gossip in the teacher's lounge, consistently say “it won’t work” when any new idea is suggested, send an excessive number of students to your office for disciplinary reasons, undermine your efforts toward school improvement, or negatively influence other staff members. This book provides tips and strategies to help school leaders improve, neutralize, or eliminate resistant and negative teachers.

- Motivating & Inspiring Teachers, Second Edition: The Educational Leader’s Guide for Building Staff Morale
- Todd Whitaker, Beth Whitaker, and Dale Lumpa
This book is filled with strategies to motivate your staff and maintain a high level of energy at your school. This guide will help all educators approach work every day in an enthusiastic, focused, and positive state of mind. This book will help you motivate your faculty with the Friday Focus; understand the power of praise and how to best utilize it every day; make sure staff meetings, teacher evaluation, and daily activities raise the energy level in your school; and maximize the holidays, open house nights, and other special events that make your staff feel special.

- REAL Teachers, REAL Challenges, REAL Solutions: 25 Ways to Handle the Challenges of the Classroom Effectively
- Annette Breaux and Elizabeth Breaux
This book helps new and experienced teachers find solutions to common classroom challenges. It presents 25 real scenarios along with “What’s Effective,” “What’s NOT Effective,” and “Bottom Line” strategies for handling the most common teacher challenges. Ideal for high-interest staff development workshops or new teacher induction programs, this book shows teachers how to get students to do what you want them to do; deal with disrespectful student behaviors and handle “I don’t care” attitudes; deal with parents and difficult co-workers; and solve other common teaching challenges.

- 10 Days to Maximum Teaching Success
- Annette Breaux
10 Days to Maximum Teaching Success is an exciting, innovative approach to staff development, mentoring, and new teacher induction . . . on Audio CDs! Ten highly interactive audio sessions on four CDs train teachers to maximize their effectiveness. Your teachers implement daily assignments, work through over 50 activities, and track daily progress in their Personal Achievement Logs (PAL).

- What Great Coaches Do Differently: 11 Elements of Effective Coaching
- Rob Haworth and Todd Whitaker
This book describes the beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes of great athletic coaches. Where do they focus their attention? How do they spend their time and energy? And how can others gain the same advantages? Here, Rob Haworth and Todd Whitaker describe the qualities of champion athletes, coaches, and parents. Applying and extending the concepts presented in Whitaker's What Great Teachers Do Differently and What Great Principals Do Differently, this book demonstrates how effective coaching calls for "people skills," skills the best coaches practice every day. Perfect for the coaches of your favorite school sports teams!

Make positive and immediate changes in your school with the support of your entire staff. Leading School Change provides principals, assistant principals, district superintendents, and other educators with concrete steps for getting colleagues to champion and work toward the changes you want to make. Drawing from years of experience working with leaders at the school and district levels, Whitaker shares 9 specific strategies for overcoming resistance, building cooperation, and recruiting hands-on help. An essential tool for leaders, this book delivers a complete action plan for those who want to implement results-oriented school change.
- Leading School Change Implementation Guide
- Todd Whitaker
The two-part Implementation Guide will help to deepen your understanding and sharpen your ability to implement each of the strategies discussed in Leading School Change: 9 Strategies to Bring Everybody on Board. Part One offers discussion questions and activities which focus on each of the strategies. Part Two consists of a Quick Start Step-By-Step Action Plan for individuals and leadership groups to start implementing the changes they need to improve their organizations.

- The 4 CORE Factors for School Success
- Todd Whitaker and Jeffrey Zoul
This book clarifies the core values which all great educators have in common and contribute to school success. For all those who want to create better schools, these factors are at the center of behaviors which lead to results. The 4 CORE Factors are Communication, Observation, Relationships, and Expectations.

- 6 Types of Teachers: Recruiting, Retaining, and Mentoring the Best
- Todd Whitaker and Douglas Fiore
This book helps you sharpen your ability to hire better teachers for your school, improve the ones who are already there, and keep your best and brightest on board.

- Feeling Great! The Educator’s Guide for Eating Better, Exercising Smarter, and Feeling Your Best
- Todd Whitaker and Jason Winkle
Educators spend so much time taking care of others that we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. This book will help teachers, principals, professors, and all educators find time in our busy schedules to focus on our physical self. You will learn how to make time for exercise in your hectic daily schedule, how to feel your best every day, eat right even when on the go, keep your fitness momentum going all year, and turn your daily routines into healthy habits.