The Scope of Embodied Cognition
To provide an example that is well known in schools throughout the world that can be used as a sustainable learning teamwork exercise, we will epitomise with what has been termed the Egg Parachute Challenge. For a few years we have had a tradition of carrying out an egg parachute challenge, where the students have to land an egg safely from the third floor of the school building. The students are provided with the material to build their prototypes, which usually includes a plastic bag, some rope, plastic or paper cups, paper plates, tape, duct tape, and even sometimes pipe cleaners. And of course, every year some type of variation is created in the material that they are instructed to use. But the material will always be provided in advance, and what the students have to do is to build, test, experiment, and eventually attempt to land their egg safely.
Egg Parachute Challenge
It would be interesting in the future, to ask the students to think and reflect around the teamwork involved. And instead of providing the material, perhaps we could ask them to bring in different types of recycled material that would be a more sustainable way to create their parachutes – material that can be recycled again after the activity is completed. In this instance, the teacher would simply provide an egg, and the students have to do their own research and collect suitable materials.

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Another possible competition opportunity could be attempting to make the most eco-friendly “egg lander”. It does not have to be a parachute either, but it could be some type of paper kite, or perhaps they could use paper straws or another material that is easy to recycle. Of course, the parachute could still contain plastic, but maybe plastics that can be recycled or that have already been used. The students could, with merit, be encouraged to use rubbish or recycled materials for all their creative experiments and activities, instead of buying new materials to create something that would be discarded afterwards. When adding this environmentally conscious aspect, you can encourage the students to make analytical reflections around it. Students might indeed be assessed on their reflection behind their creative process. Furthermore, after they have landed their eggs safely, hopefully, part of the exercise can also be to sort through all the used materials and to recycle them. In this way, the students can make less of an impact on the environment while doing something creative – an active, enterprising teamwork, something that is holistic and that does not only include physics, but also technology, ecology, and economy. There is always room for improvement for any educational activity, but this is certainly a good example of sustainable learning, especially if different content areas are included with the use of collaborative planning.