About the Author

Avra Sidiropoulou is from Greece. She is Assistant Professor at the MA in Theatre Studies Program at the Open University of Cyprus and Artistic Director of the Athens-based Persona Theatre Company. She studied at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Kings College London, Cambridge University, and Columbia University, and has published widely on current theatre practice, dramaturgy, adaptation, and the ethics of directing. Her monograph, Authoring Performance: The Director in Contemporary Theatre, was published by Palgrave Macmillan (2011).
Directions for Directing: Theatre and Method (Routledge 2018) reflects her extensive research and experience as a theatre artist. As a director, Avra has staged performances both independently and with Persona Theatre Company. She loves to work internationally and interculturally, and has conducted practical workshops and delivered invited lectures in Greece, Cyprus, the United States, Turkey, Iran, Bulgaria, Latvia, Spain, Italy, Estonia, the UK, Japan, and Israel. She was a visiting researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at the City University of New York (Martin E. Segal Theatre Center) as well as at the Universities of Surrey, Leeds, and Tokyo—in the last case, as a Japan Foundation Fellow.
For more on Avra’s work, see here: http://ouc.academia.edu/AvraSidiropoulou and here: http://persona.gr