
This companion website supplements the textbook, Global Writing for Public Relations, by Arhlene H. Flowers. On this site you will find resources to support and expand on the book’s content, including links to related resources and flashcards to help learn and understand the terms and concepts.

The resources available on this site include:

Student Resources:

  • Chapter overviews with brief overview of the learning objectives for each chapter
  • Flashcards by chapter
  • Online resources by topic in the form of useful web links on topics related to writing for public relations and the public relations industry

Instructor Resources:

  • Downloadable instructors’ manual
  • PowerPoint slides to support lectures, covering key points for each chapter
  • Test bank quizzes, homework assignments, and non-graded in-class exercises and activities on an individual and group basis

A username and password are required to access the instructor information. Instructors may request access on the Instructor tab of the website.

Book Information Complimentary Exam Copy

Book Cover