
Welcome to the companion website for the fourth edition of European Dictatorships 1918–1945 by Stephen J. Lee. This clear, comprehensive and accessible analysis of early twentieth-century Europe has been revised throughout with key new material, including the most recent research on individual dictatorships, a new chapter on the experiences of Europe’s democracies at the hands of Germany, Italy and Russia, an expanded chapter on Spain and a new section on dictatorships beyond Europe.

This companion website provides useful material to support the book’s detailed coverage of the extraordinary circumstances that caused and were shaped by the transformation of over half of Europe’s states to dictatorships between the first and second world wars.

What you will find on this website:

  • Helpful overviews of each chapter summarised in the form of flow diagrams.
  • An interactive timeline of the key events that took place across Europe from 1918 to 1945.
  • Downloadable versions of the maps from the book.
  • A link to the Routledge History Arena, Routledge’s main website for this subject area, where you can find more information about our books, journals and electronic publishing.
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