Spanish Grammar in Context, 3rd Edition

Chapter 10: Modal Verbs

Exercise 1

Poder, deber, soler, querer. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate verb for the context. Use the present tense unless the context requires otherwise.

Exercise 2

Poder, deber, soler, querer. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate verb for the context. Use the present tense unless the context requires otherwise.

The answers may require you to include the following accented characters: á, é, í, ó, ú and ñ. To use these characters in the answer box, just select the character and copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) into the answer box.

Exercise 3

Poder, deber, soler, querer. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate verb for the context. Use the present tense unless the context requires otherwise.

The answers may require you to include the following accented characters: á, é, í, ó, ú and ñ. To use these characters in the answer box, just select the character and copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) into the answer box.

Exercise 4

Drag a verb to complete each sentence appropriately. It will turn green when positioned correct.

Si _____ tonificar los músculos de forma precisa.
____ apuntarse a un gimnasio para hacer gimnasia con pesos.
Primero, ____ hacer ejercicios de calentamiento.
Los primeros ejercicios ____ ser con cargas ligeras.
Luego ____ ir aumentando el peso.
Si ____ adelgazar, escoja las actividades aeróbicas.
____ tener una cantimplora o botella de agua al alcance de la mano.
hay que
tienen que

Exercise 5

hay que, tener que, deber. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate verb for the context, using the present tense.

Exercise 6

hay que, tener que, deber. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate verb for the context, using the present tense.