Teach Now! History
Welcome and congratulations on choosing such a rewarding and worthwhile career! I am a teacher, trainer, writer and consultant working in secondary education and focusing my teaching on Key Stages 4 and 5. History teaching is challenging, exciting and great fun, and Teach Now! History offers all the extra practical help and guidance that you need to get started.
Alongside my teaching and writing I currently run CPD and INSET sessions around the country looking at different aspects of teaching and learning such as differentiation, group work, stretch and challenge, assessment for learning and raising achievement. My tried and tested ideas, strategies, activities and techniques will help you to become a brilliant history teacher and they will hopefully save you some time too.
Teaching and learning are a real interest for me; I find the mix of the theoretical and practical very engaging and love to develop new ways in which to effectively implement the findings of research and of the philosophy of education. My website contains a number of resources in which I have sought to do this.
Teaching is a job that forever brings you into new situations and in which no two days are the same. It’s a thoroughly enjoyable, rewarding and useful career, and not only will you get a lot out of it, but so too will the students you teach.
Good luck!
Mike Gershon
To find out more please visit my website: www.mikegershon.com.
View the Activities, Weblinks and Authors' Blogs.
Useful Weblinks
Here are some great websites offering resources to help you teach the content of the History curriculum:
- www.schoolhistory.co.uk
- www.teachithistory.co.uk
- www.teachingideas.co.uk/history
- www.historyresourcecupboard.co.uk
Websites to help you reflect on subject-specific pedagogy:
- www.history.org.uk: The Historical Association
- www.schoolhistoryscene.co.uk: School History Scene
- www.sath.org.uk: Scottish Association of Teachers of History