Welcome to the Student Resources area, here you will find useful resources related to each chapter of the textbook, Cultural Theory and Popular Culture (ninth edition).
You can access this material by selecting the appropriate chapter from the drop-down list above or by using the navigation on the left-hand side of the screen to select the relevant resources. There are quizzes in each section by which you can assess your understanding of the content discussed.
This website also contains a glossary of over seventy frequently used words and definitions which you may find beneficial in your reading of the textbook. These definitions are to be read in conjunction with the relevant section(s) in Cultural Theory and Popular Culture.
Note: some words are not defined in this glossary. These areas are simply too vast and complex and, as such, are discussed in detail in the book. Similarly, no definitions of theoretical perspectives are offered. A good understanding of theoretical complexity can be gained only by reading Cultural Theory and Popular Culture itself.
Throughout this student resource, you will find up-to-date web links to contemporary examples of popular culture texts and practices. It is advisable that you follow these to facilitate your understanding of the theoretical material discussed. These will help ground the academic debates in twenty-first-century cultural practices. At the end of each chapter, as well, there are extensions and further considerations for you to engage in. This also tests your understanding of theory as you apply what you have learned to other examples in everyday life. A list of other website links for further exploration is given after the end of the final chapter.
There is also the opportunity to develop your understanding of Cultural Theory using additional reading material in Professor Storey’s companion book, Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader (fifth edition). It is recommended that you engage with this title, so you can fully understand the key debates and issues explored here.
Here begins your journey as a student of Cultural Theory and Popular Culture! It’s both fascinating and at times, provocative. Enjoy it!
Dr Karen Atkinson
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