Chapter 1: Introduction to Social Neuroscience

The Sentis Brain Animation Series takes you on a tour of the brain

Chris Frith: How the Brain Creates Culture

The Social Brain: Ralph Adolphs at TEDxCaltech

Nicholas Christakis: The hidden influence of social networks (including how obesity may be socially contagious)

VS Ramachandran: TED India talk on ‘The neurons that shaped civilization’

Joan Chiao: Cultural Neuroscience: Bridging Cultural and Biological Sciences

Russell Poldrack: From Reverse Inference to Pattern Classification

Lisa Feldman Barrett: Models of the Mind symposium

Randy Buckner: Models of the Mind symposium

Randy Buckner, Lisa Feldman Barrett, and Amanda Pustilnik: Models of the Mind panel discussion

Chapter 2: The Methods of Social Neuroscience

Introductory neuroscience and brain anatomy

The structure and function of neurons shown in a simple video clip

The Nervous System, Part 1: Crash Course

Electrophysiological Methods

Jamie Ward’s Cognitive Neuroscience Bitesize tutorial on EEG and event-related potential basics

Learn more about the discovery of the Jennifer Aniston Neuron and its implications

Functional Imaging (fMRI)

Jamie Ward’s Cognitive Neuroscience Bitesize tutorial on fMRI Basics

Jamie Ward’s Cognitive Neuroscience Bitesize tutorial on connectivity measures in MRI

Read Montague: What we're learning from 5,000 brains

TEDx talk by Professor David van Essen on “The Human Connectome Project - Relating Brain Circuits to Behavior”

Human brain mapping and brain decoding. | Jack Gallant | TEDxSanFrancisco

Lectures given by Professor Geoffrey Aguirre on the physics and biology of fMRI, with three other lectures as parts of this series covering various other issues about study design and analysis in fMRI.

Lesion methods and brain stimulation

Jamie Ward’s Cognitive Neuroscience Bitesize tutorial on Non-invasive brain stimulation

A demonstration of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

A series of lectures at UCDavis on brain stimulation, particularly, the newer method of tDCS

Chapter 3: Evolutionary Origins of Social Intelligence and Culture

Social intelligence

Robin Dunbar: Can the internet buy you more friends?

Robin Dunbar: Social brain theory and on what it is to be human and how it is that we came to be that way

The Social Origins of Intelligence | Prof. Cecilia Heyes

Culture and social learning in non-human animals

Culture in Japanese macaques? Demonstration of sweet potato washing and separating rice from sand

Michael Tomasello - Intentional Communication of Great Apes

Professor Michael Tomasello: Do Chimpanzees have a Theory of Mind?

Moral behavior in animals | Frans de Waal

Human and Non-Human Cultures -- Andrew Whiten

Social Learning and Traditions in Wild Capuchin Monkeys – Susan Perry

Cultures of the Open Ocean: The Sperm Whale – Hal Whitehead

Are some birds as clever as chimps?

Imitation and mirror neurons

Cecilia Heyes: Cultural Evolutionary Psychology, Imitation, And Mindreading

Giacomo Rizzolatti: Mirror neurons: from monkey to human

Vittorio Gallese and Gregory Hickok: Debate: ‘Do Mirror Neurons Explain Anything?’

Chapter 4: Emotion and motivation

What are emotions?

Lectures on emotion by Professors Lisa Feldman-Barret and Paul Ekman as part of the Experts in Emotion series

Feldman-Barret’s TED talk on ‘You aren’t at the mercy of your emotions’

Paul Ekman: Do We All Have the Same Basic Emotions?

Paul Ekman: What is an emotion?

Antonio Damasio: How Our Brains Feel Emotion

Jaak Panksepp: Science of emotion

Edmund Rolls: ‘On the rules of cortical wiring and function, with implications for understanding psychiatric disorders’

Fear and emotional learning

Ivan Pavlov: Classical conditioning

Vicarious learning of fear conditioning

Joseph Le Doux: Lecture on the Emotional Brain

Elizabeth Phelps: Changing fear

The Iowa Gambling Task explained by David Eagleman

Pleasure and motivation

Morten Kringelbach: The joyful mind: the neuroscience of pleasure and happiness

Kent Berridge - Delight, Desire, and Dread: Generators in the Brain

Emotion regulation

James Gross: Emotion regulation

Kevin Ochsner: Emotion regulation and the brain

Roy Baumeister: Self-regulation and emotion

Chapter 5: Reading Faces and Bodies

Face and body recognition in the brain

Nancy Kanwisher: A neural portrait of the human mind

Short clip of a woman with prosopagnosia – the inability to recognize faces

In this clip we see a Capgras’ delusion patient, a condition presumably caused by impaired connections between the visual areas of the temporal lobe and the amygdala

Malinda Carpenter - A New Look at Joint Attention and Common Knowledge

Inferring traits from faces

David Perrett: In your face

Face Value: The Irresistible Influence of First Impressions - Dr. Alexander Todorov

Chapter 6: Understanding Others


David Eagleman What is Empathy

Tania Singer: The Neuroscience of Compassion

Mirror Neurons The Smart Cells | Marco Iacoboni

Anat Perry-Sharon: How Brain Mechanisms Enable Our Understanding of Others

Paul Bloom - Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion


Rebecca Saxe: How we read each other's minds

The ‘False Belief’ Test: Theory of Mind

Heider and Simmel animation of anthropomorphic thinking


Uta Frith: Autism: The First Fifty Years

Simon Baron Cohen: Male brains, autism, genes and culture

Temple Grandin: The Autistic Brain (a first-person account by a leading neurodiversity advocate)

Mirror neurons and EEG mu suppression in autism

Chapter 7: Interacting with Others

Fairness and ‘equal pay’

TED talk by Professor Sarah Brosnan on ‘Why monkeys (and humans) are wired for fairness’

Two Monkeys Were Paid Unequally: Excerpt from Frans de Waal's TED Talk

Unequal payment for the same job in dogs – a fun demonstration

Altruism and helping others

‘The mathematics of evolution, altruism and human behaviour’ Professor Martin Nowak.

Robert Axelrod interviewed on Game Theory and the Prisoner’s Dilemma

Richard Dawkins on Altruism and The Selfish Gene

Warren Holmes: The Evolution of Cooperation and the Paradox of Altruism

Daniel Batson: Empathy Induced Altruism

Toddler Altruism – a demonstration

Neuroeconomics and social decision making

Colin Camerer on ‘When you're making a deal, what's going on in your brain?’

Alan Sanfey: Social Emotions Matter

Molly Crockett on ‘Why Your Brain Loves Feeling Outraged and Punishing People's Bad Behavior’

Brain Power: Science of Neuroeconomics Presented by Michael Platt

Neuroeconomics and the Future of the Decision Sciences with Paul Glimcher

Chapter 8: Relationships


Helen Fisher: TED talk on Why we love, why we cheat

The Science of Relationships: From Romance to Rejection (panel discussion with Thomas Bradbury, Naomi Eisenberger, and Jaana Juvonen)


The Strange Situation Test – Infant attachment style demonstration

Food or Security? Harlow's study on monkeys' attachment (may be upsetting for some people)

Animal Studies of Attachment (Lorenz and Harlow)

Larry Young: The Reward System includes Vasopressin and Oxytocin

Oxytocin – Demonstration of Prairie Vole Partner Preference Experiment

Larry Young: The chemistry between us TEDx talk

Paul Zak: Trust, morality, and oxytocin TEDx talk

Separation and loneliness

Social Pain and Physical Pain with Naomi Eisnenberger and Matthew Lieberman

John Cacioppo: Connected Minds: Loneliness, Social Brains and the Need for Community

Chapter 9: Groups and identity

Stanford prison experiment

Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment

The Self

Virtual out-of-body experience - demonstration

Neuroscience and Free Will – Demonstration of Libet's Experiment

Debate on ‘the self’ (how the Self is shaped by interactions with the environment, how free will, responsibility, and other traits emerge, and how character and virtue become targets for constructing the Self)

Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs memory (Nobel laureate and founder of behavioral economics reveals how our "experiencing selves" and our "remembering selves" perceive happiness differently)

Prejudice and bias

Implicit Association Test – Demonstration and interviews with the developers of the test

Is your brain racist? David Amodio explains.

Paul Bloom: Can prejudice ever be a good thing?

Susan T. Fiske: Ambivalent Stereotypes Support Inequality and Conflict - or Peace

Elizabeth A. Phelps presents Race Bias, Decisions, and the Brain

Mahzarin Banaji and Rebecca Saxe: A discussion on bias and prejudice

David Amodio: Social categories in the face

Chapter 10: Morality and Antisocial Behaviour


Trolley and Footbridge Dilemmas – video demonstration

Jonathan Haidt on ‘The moral roots of liberals and conservatives’

Patricia Churchland: The Brains Behind Morality

Rebecca Saxe: The role of rTPJ in morality

‘Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them’ by Joshua Green

Joshua Greene: Human Morality

Molly Crockett - Drugs and morals

Aggressive and antisocial behaviour

Antisocial Personality Disorder. What is it?

Steven Pinker: The history of violence

Experts in Emotion -- Steven Pinker on Violence and Emotion

Bandura bobo doll experiment demonstration – social learning of violence?

Simon Baron-Cohen: Zero Degrees of Empathy

Steve Jones: Testosterone and Crime: What Can Genes Tell Us About Behavior?

Laurie Santos and Kent Kiehl discuss Psychopathy and the Brain

Antonio Damasio: The moral compass and a contemporary Phineas Gage

Chapter 11: Developmental Social Neuroscience


Andrew Meltzoff: Wiring the infant to learn from culture

Classic demonstration of tongue protrusion imitation in neonates

Classic demonstration of face preference in neonates

‘When babies can tell us about good and evil’ with Karen Wynn.

Renee Baillargeon: How infants learn

Epigenetics - our bodies' way to change the destiny written in our DNA | Moshe Szyf


Experiments with altruism in children and chimps

Felix Warneken - Adorable Altrusitic Experiment

Michael Tomasello: Ontogenetic development of shared intentionality

Michael Tomasello: The ontogenetic emergence of co-operative communication


Peer Influence and Adolescent Behavior – demonstration of stoplight test

Sarah-Jane Blakemore: The mysterious working of the adolescent brain

BJ Casey on ‘Arrested Development or Adaptive? The Adolescent and Self Control’