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Developing Musicianship through Aural Skills
A Holistic Approach to Sight Singing and Ear Training
Melodic, Harmonic, and Rhythmic Dictation
Module 1: Simple Meters
Module 2: Major and Minor Scales and Scale Degrees
Module 3: Improvisation
Module 4: Compound Meters
Module 5: Intervals
Module 6: Triads
Module 7: Seventh Chords
Module 8: Common Diatonic Harmonic Progressions
Module 9: Irregular Division and Syncopation
Module 10: Non-modulating Chromaticism
Module 11: Modulation
Module 12: Changing Meter, Polyrhythm, and Asymmetric Meters
Module 13: Other Tonally Derived Scales
Module 14: Post-tonal Music
Scale Degree and Meter Recognition
Major Scale Degree Recognition
Minor Scale Degree Recognition
Scale Recognition
Meter Recognition
Triad Recognition
Seventh Chord Recognition
Video Playlist
Instructor Resources
Video Playlist
Video Playlist
Unit 1 Playlist
Unit 2 Playlist
Unit 3 Playlist
Unit 4 Playlist
Unit 5 Playlist
Unit 6 Playlist
Unit 7 Playlist
Unit 8 Playlist
Unit 9 Playlist
Unit 10 Playlist
Unit 11 Playlist
Unit 13 Playlist
Unit 14 Playlist
Unit 15 Playlist
Unit 16 Playlist