
Please note: This title has recently been acquired by Taylor & Francis. Due to rights reasons, any multimedia resources will no longer be available.

Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives 1

General Objective: Understand how to plan and begin working on a research assignment.

The instructional material and multimedia assets in this topic will help you master the following objectives:

  • Understand how to schedule the steps for preparing a research paper.
  • Understand how to find a topic of appropriate scope for the assignment.
  • Understand how to create effective notes while researching the paper.
  • Review the paradigms, or typical patterns, for different types of papers.
  • Determine the components of a typical research paper.

Learning Objectives 2

General Objective: Understand how to draft, write, format, and edit a research paper.

The instructional material and multimedia assets in this topic will help you master the following objectives:

  • Understand how to focus a paper & argument, refine the thesis statement, and write an academic title.
  • Understand how to draft a paper.
  • Identify and understand how to avoid sexist and biased language.
  • Understand how to write the introduction, body, and conclusion of a paper.
  • Understand how to format a paper according to the appropriate style guidelines.
  • Understand how to revise, edit, and proofread a paper


All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.

  • Language Tip of the Week
    June Casagrande, author of Grammar Snobs are Great Big Meanies. This site offers a useful language, usage and style tips on a weekly basis.
  • Dave's ESL Café
    Professor Dave Sperling This site offers a wide range of resources for students and teachers of English as a second language, including language learning resources, job postings, and discussion forums.
  • Online Writing Lab
    Purdue University A well-respected online resource, this site features handouts with examples of the writing process, from planning and drafting to proofreading.
  • Writing CSU Writing Guides
    The Writing Center at Colorado State University This site offers a wide range of resources for students and teachers of English as a second language, including language learning resources, job postings, and discussion forums.
  • Identifying the Argument of an Essay: A Tutorial in Critical Reasoning
    Dr. Frank Edler, Metropolitan Community College This site offers an interactive tutorial on identifying the argument of an essay.
  • MediaShare
    Deliver your speech and receive feedback from your instructor and peers via MediaShare.