Student Resources
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Click on the tabs below, to view the resources for each chapter.
Learning Objectives
Chapter 1
Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to:
- Discuss the common characteristics of the Third World nations.
- List the causes of underdevelopment in the Third World nations.
- Evaluate the social, economic, and political progress made by the Third World nations.
Chapter 2
Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to:
- Identify the true meaning of democracy and analyze why some countries that claim to be democracies aren’t truly democratic.
- Describe the process of democratic transition and democratic consolidation using examples.
- Describe how the democracies in some of the emerging nations had authoritarian beginnings.
- Explain why the some theorists and leaders believed that authoritarian rule was necessary for a country’s socio-economic development which democracy alone couldn’t achieve.
- Describe the impact of the Third Wave on the Third World nations’ transition to democracy.
- Identify the international causes and consequences of the Third Wave.
- Describe the factors that determine whether a country can successfully complete its transition into a democracy.
- Compare the performance of democratic governments with the authoritarian regimes.
- Describe the factors that ensure the consolidation of democracy in a country.
Chapter 3
Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to:
- Discuss the meeting of the church and the state in America.
- List the religions of the nations of Third World.
- Explain how religion, modernity, and secularization work together in the Third World nations.
- Explain the structural and theological bases of the church-state relations.
- Explain the relationship between religious fundamentalism and Islamism in the Third World nations.
- Illustrate how Catholicism progressed in the Third World nations.
- Explain the future of religion and politics in the developing world.
- Explain the relationship between institutionalized religions and democracy.
Chapter 4
Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to:
- Define ethnicity and list some characteristics of ethnic groups.
- Explain how ethnic and state boundaries have caused tensions within ethnic groups.
- Describe the different types of ethnic and cultural divisions.
- Explain how modernization and higher education intensified the strife between ethnic groups.
- Identify the different levels of interethnic conflict based on the nature and intensity of relations between the ethnic groups.
- Examine some of the resolutions that have been made to settle interethnic conflicts and the alternatives used when negotiations did not work.
- Analyze the reasons why it is difficult to maintain democracy in a multiethnic country.
Chapter 5
Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to:
- Describe the political and socioeconomic status of Third World women.
- Describe the different roles of women in politics.
- Describe the status of women and the role of modernization, globalization, and regime type in encouraging women to take up challenging roles in society.
- Explain the relationship between democracy and the role of women in society.
Chapter 6
Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to:
- Examine the distribution of the rural poor in Third World countries.
- Describe the various levels of the rural class system.
- Discuss the role of peasants in Third World politics.
- Explain the need for agrarian reforms in Third World peasantry.
- Analyze the effects of crop pricing on rural poverty.
- Predict what the future holds for the rural poor considering financial aids and development policies.
- Examine the pattern in human migration from rural to urban areas.
- Discuss the trend observed in the urbanization of growing Third World regions.
- Identify the possible political outcomes of a rapid urban growth.
- Explain the various sources of employment available for the urban poor.
- Describe the burden of housing on the urban poor and explain some of the measures taken to reduce this burden.
- Explain how criminal activity is intensified in urban regions with income inequality.
- Compare the various social and political attitudes of the urban poor.
- Explain the various forms of political behavior exhibited by the urban poor using examples.
- Discuss the role of rural and urban poor in the political and economic systems of a democracy.
Chapter 7
Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to:
- Define revolution and describe its various forms using examples.
- Explain the reasons why revolutions arise with the help of examples.
- Identify the five groups into which people can be categorized based on their support during a revolution.
- Explain why most of the revolutions were fought by peasants and identify which categories of peasants were more prone to revolution.
- Describe the leadership qualities of the various revolutionary leaders from the past.
- Analyze the accomplishments of revolutionary leaders after their coming into power.
- Explain why the age of revolutions is coming to an end.
Chapter 8
Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to:
- Contrast the two major causes of military interventions in developing countries.
- Compare the characteristics and ideologies of different types of military governments.
- Describe the structure and goals of different types of military regimes.
- Evaluate the relative success of institutional military governments in relation to their goals.
- Describe the factors that contribute to entrenchment or withdrawal of the military from politics.
- Describe the role of the military in prodemocracy uprisings.
Chapter 9
Upon completing this chapter, you will be able to:
- Describe the state’s economic role in command economies, Latin American nations, East Asian countries, and in a neoclassical state.
- Explain the two industrialization strategies used by developing nations.
- Analyze the importance of economic equality and income distribution in the economic growth of a country.
- Discuss the impact of industrialization and rapid economic growth on the environment.
- Identify the role of the United States in addressing the environmental consequences of economic growth and achieving sustainable development.
- Explain how an export-oriented industrial model has helped East Asian economies to promote growth.
- Discuss the positive and negative effects of globalization on the economic development of Third World nations.
- Evaluate how democratic governments have faired in economic development compared to authoritative governments.