Chapter 1
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
Offers the key definition of health and provides additional information on health statistics across the globe.
WHO homepage where considerable information can be accessed.
The history of medicine library funded and hosted by Wellcome.
The home page of the SF-36 and the other SF measures of quality of life. Provides considerable information on the measurement technique and its development.
Chapter 2
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
Athabasa University Centre for Psychology
Basic principles of positive and negative reinforcement are explored in depth.
This site provides a substantial collection of links to behaviourism and its founding principles.
Social Anxiety Facts for Health Organisation
A site dedicated to therapies to help those with anxiety problems which are based on the principles of behaviourism. Behaviour therapy is given extensive coverage.
The Behavioural Model of Abnormal Psychology Site
A look at therapies and interventions which have been covered within this chapter, ranging from systematic desensitisation to the token economy system.
National Cancer Institute: Cancer Web
A look at nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients which are in part explained by the principles within behaviourism.
Learning Theory and Behavioural Psychology
All Psych On-line, The Virtual Classroom.
BF Skinner: Operant Conditioning
B.F. Skinner information: behaviourism crossword, classical conditioning & behaviourist therapies. Mcleod, S.A. (2007) Simply Psychology.
You Tube: B.F. Skinner on reinforcement
Carmody, T. P., Istvan, J, Matarazzo, J.D, Conner, S.L. and Connor, W. (1986). Applications of social learning theory in the promotion of heart-healthy diets: the Family Heart Study dietary intervention model. Health Education Research Theory and Practice, 1(1),13-27.
Chapter 3
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
Association for Humanistic Psychology
Website that provides many links to other humanistic psychology websites. Also provides a historical overview of the perspective.
John Rowan’s Guide to Humanistic Psychology
A website that provides in-depth theoretical content for humanistic psychology.
Personality Test of Emotional Empathy
A look at articles written about emotional empathy, as well as measurements of emotional empathy.
Association for Humanistic Psychology
The patient-centred care model: Holistic/multiprofessional/reflective
Ellis, S. (1999). The patient-centred care model: Holistic/multiprofessional/reflective, British Journal of Nursing, 8 (5), 296-301.
Beyond empathy; expanding expressions of caring. Journal of Advanced Nursing
Morse, J. M. et al. (1991). Beyond empathy; expanding expressions of caring. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 17, 809-821.
Morse, J. M., Bottorff, J., Anderson, G., O’Brien, B., and Solberg, S. (2006) 'Journal of Advanced Nursing' 53(1) 75–90.
Chapter 4
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
Saul McLeod’s A level psychology website. This website has one section which gives an in-depth account of the psychodynamic approach and defence mechanisms written for newcomers to the psychodynamic approach.
An in-depth account of Freud, his work around psychoanalysis and his research as well as a look around his house and his life. There is a substantial amount of information within the education section which looks at dreaminterpretation.
Gerard Keegan and his Psychology Site
A look at the psychodynamic perspective with extensive multiple choice questions. Also complemented by other perspectives within psychology.
A look at anxiety, anxiety care and measurements of anxiety within the context of the health environment and illnesses.
Mind for better mental health: Understanding Anxiety
Doctors Guide, Personal Edition, Peer Review Media Bar: Anxiety
The latest medical news and information for patients or friends/parents of patients diagnosed with anxiety.
Chapter 5
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
An array of weblinks to cognitive psychology and specifically to memory literature.
This site is dedicated to the work of George Miller’s work on chunking. His original article can be found here.
NeuroMod. Online Memory Improvement Course
Online memory improvement course which has an in-depth look at mnemonic techniques.
Wadsworth. Cognitive Laboratory 2.0
Various experiments and demonstrations. You need to register before viewing the material.
Illusions Gallery, University of Massachusetts Lowell. David T. Landrigan
Examples of perceptual organisation illustrated by many examples of illusions.
AAFP: Family Practice Management
Looking at effective health practitioner and patient communication.
Cognitive Psychology, Wadsworth, CogLab 2.0, On-line Laboratory
Cognitive Laboratory Experiments, John H. Krantz, Hanover College
Chapter 6
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
A look at the inquiry as well as Infirmary Inquiry recommendations.
Mountain State Centres for Independent Living
The website provides an extensive coverage of assertiveness exercises and tips on assertiveness.
A website dedicated to teamwork within the NHS. This site provides information on policy and resources that are related to working within a diverse range of health teams.
The University of Texas Counselling and Mental Health Centre
Large amount of information on self-esteem as well as a look at enhancing self-esteem.
A look at groups, group work and team dynamics.
A look at learning styles and models.
Psychological Exercises for in-sight and self-awareness groups, Wilderom Store
Enhancing your professional nursing practice through critical reflection
Bowden, S. D. (2003). Enhancing your professional nursing practice through critical reflection.
BPS Readers Digest: What makes a multi-disciplinary team work well?
Chapter 7
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
The Jean Piaget Society is an international, inter-disciplinary society with a membership of scholars, teachers and researchers interested in exploring the nature of the developmental construction of human knowledge. A rather dry website that presents information on the Society and some background on Jean Piaget.
The Learning site provides a brief overview of part of the field. This link takes you to a brief overview of Piaget and his work. A useful site, however, for the range of information it contains not just on Piaget but also on such topics as behaviourism, humanism and other topics covered in this text. Primarily for teachers, a useful background set of information.
A charity whose aim is to fulfil the dreams of terminally ill children.
Chapter 8
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
Gender and health group at Liverpool University
Department of Health Inequalities
World Health Organization Gender and Health
A charity whose aim is to fulfil the dreams of terminally ill children.
Ethnicity and Health website from the University of Wolverhampton
Chapter 9
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
A site aimed principally at nursing students to help them learn about transcultural issues in care.
Making Practice Based Learning Work: Bournemouth University
This site been put together by Bournemouth University’s health department which acts as a links to over 30 websites that are related to culture and communication within health.
Transcultural C.A.R.E. Associates
Run by Dr Josie Campinha-Bacote, which provides regular updates of her theory on cultural competence.
Gateway for electronic resources relating to a variety of conditions and clinical settings, and provides useful links to other similar sites.
London College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Cross Cultural Health Care program: NWRC
Information ranging from cultural competent practice to working with patients from diverse cultures.
Useful information related to transcultural nursing issues.
Research Centre for Transcultural Studies in Health: Middlesex University
Extensive links and information, updated on a regular basis.
Cultural Diversity in Nursing Care: Cultural Diversity Organisation
Cultural Competence.
Religious Diversity: Practical Points for Health Care Providers
Compiled by Chaplain John Ehman. Revised April 20, 2007. The University of Pennsylvania Health Care System (2008).
Religious/Cultural Diversity and Health Care: Recent Journal Article Series
University of Pennsylvania Medical Center.
Chapter 10
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
Many research and statistical papers that have been put together on this website. ‘Hungry to be heard: the scandal of malnourished older people in hospital’, is included here.
Includes policy documents in relation to the elderly, including the National Service Framework document.
National Gerontological Nursing Association
Website providing information related to care of the elderly and dignity, with information on recent policy changes as well as helpful information for nurses.
U.S. National Institute on Aging: Working with your older patient
Defending Dignity: Challenges and Opportunities for Nursing, Royal College of nursing
Ageism: A benchmark of public attitudes in Britain
University of Kent, Age Concern (2006) Ageism A benchmark of public attitudes in Britain, authors: Sujata Ray and Ellen Sharp, Policy Unit, Age Concern England Professor Dominic Abrams, University of Kent
Chapter 11
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
National charity set up to offer free and confidential help to bereaved people. Booklets are also available from Cruse that look at coping with grief.
Provides information on understanding bereavement, and sections dedicated to bereaved families, young people and one for professionals.
Website that provides information about Macmillan health professionals’ and nurses’ work. Illustrated with case studies and a link to a learning zone.
The National Council for Palliative Care
National Council for Palliative Care website which has an online library and publications as well as recent policies influencing palliative health care.
World Health Organization: Chapter 15: Care for the dying patient and the family
Chapter 12
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)
ASH is a campaigning public health charity working for a comprehensive societal response to tobacco aimed at achieving a sharp reduction and eventual elimination of the health problems caused by tobacco.
Society for Research into Nicotine and Tobacco
The mission of the society is to stimulate the generation of new knowledge concerning nicotine in all its manifestations – from molecular to societal.
Mortality and morbidity statistics for individual countries.
The UK’s online community for quitting smokers by quitting smokers.
Department of Health Tobacco page
Provides a range of links on tobacco use and policy developments.
eBMJ collected resources on smoking
Over 300 papers on smoking.
The Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) is an educational body with the basic aims of (1) increasing knowledge of alcohol and the social and health consequences of its misuse and (2) encouraging and supporting the adoption of effective measures for the management and prevention of alcohol-related problems. The Institute is financially independent of both government and the drinks industry and is supported by the Alliance House Foundation, a registered educational charity.
Department of Health alcohol misuse pages
The pages are intended primarily as a resource for a wide range of professionals and managers. Some of the information will also be of interest to parents, young people and students.
eBMJ collected resource on alcohol
Over 50 articles on alcohol use and abuse.
The homepage for the British Nutrition Foundation, which 'promotes the nutritional wellbeing of society through the impartial interpretation and effective dissemination of scientifically based nutritional knowledge and advice'.
The Food Standards Agency is an independent food safety watchdog set up by an Act of Parliament in 2000 to protect the public's health and consumer interests in relation to food.
Harvard School of Public Health: The Nutrition Source
The Nutrition Source is designed to get you started on the path towards the healthiest diet possible.
Bandolier’s Website on Healthy Living
These Healthy Living pages are developed from medical literature. Whenever possible, papers of the highest quality are reviewed, ideally systematic reviews or meta-analyses of epidemiological data as these are the most likely to give us trustworthy answers.
A systematic review of the interventions for the prevention and treatment of obesity, and the maintenance of weight loss from the University of York’s NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination.
wBMJ collected resource on obesity
24 papers from the BMJ addressing obesity.
A comprehensive site on healthy eating with links to other resources concerning diet, health and exercise.
Provides extensive nutrition information and diet, along with links to various other related sites.
Provides extensive nutrition information and diet, along with links to various other related sites.
This site is designed to provide information about the Healthy Eating Programme, and other Food Dude research conducted by the Bangor Food Research Unit at the School of Psychology, University of Wales Bangor.
DoH survey statistics.
Chapter 13
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
Dedicated to advancing understanding of: the role of stress in health and illness; the nature and importance of mind-body relationships and the potential for self-healing.
International Stress Management Association
The ISMA exists to promote sound knowledge and best practice in the prevention and reduction of human stress. It sets professional standards for the benefit of individuals and organisations using the services of its members.
UK National Work-Stress Network
This site is intended to help raise the profile of work-related stress, its causes and how we can move towards eliminating it.
A common-sense approach to the management of frequent psychological problems.
The Centre for Stress Management is an international training centre and consultancy which runs modular courses in stress management, stress counselling, psychotherapy and coaching suitable for professionals wishing to gain more knowledge and skills practice in these subjects.
Health and Safety Executive leaflets on stress
As it says on the tin!
These pages explain what HSE is doing to address the issue of stress at work, and provide access to a range of information, resources and further points of contact.
The Stress Virtual Library keeps track of online information as part of the World Wide Web Virtual Library. Sites are inspected and evaluated for their adequacy as information sources before they are linked from here.
Chapter 14
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
Bandolier list of all systematic reviews on pain (up until 1999).
A thorough set of links from this recognised department.
Liverpool University Pain Research Institute
The Pain Research Institute is part of the University of Liverpool, Department of Neurological Science. The Institute carries out research into the causes and treatment of chronic pain in humans.
International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
IASP is a non-profit professional organisation dedicated to furthering research on pain and improving the care of patients with pain.
The British Pain Society is the largest multidisciplinary professional organisation in the field of pain within the UK. Their membership comprises medical pain specialists, nurses, physiotherapists, scientists, psychologists, occupational therapists and other healthcare professionals actively engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of pain and in pain research for the benefit of patients.
This site is for anyone with a professional or personal interest in pain and analgesia. It is firmly based in the principles of evidence-based medicine and has pulled together systematic reviews with pain as an outcome.
Provides a good, introductory overview on the models of pain.
An excellent title!
Chapter 15
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
Ajzen Website on Theory of Planned Behaviour
Personal website of Professor Ajzen which includes considerable information and publications on the theory of the planned behaviour.
Intute resource on health behaviours
Various resources available with links to reviewed sites.
Report from research group at Leeds University, which contains some useful information (published October 2003).
Health Action Process Approach, HAPA
Schwarzer's model described in all its glory.
A series of resources related to motivational interviewing.
Chapter 16
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
Audio that has been recorded live which looks at improving patient adherence in chronic heart failure. Also included are guidelines for nurses.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Typing in the terms adherence, concordance and compliance will result in many research and policy documents looking at these issues.
Up To Date Patient Information
Up-to-date patient information website that takes an in-depth look at adherence as well as enhancing adherence to asthma therapy.
Public Health Training Network
A module that looks at patient adherence to tuberculosis treatment with interactive exercises. Is also useful for general information concerning patient non-adherence, e.g. how it can be improved.
Devon NHS: Concordance medication measurement tool
Humber NHS: Policy for non-compliant patients
- Yitzhak Katz MD and Michael Goldberg MD PhD
- Department of Allergy and Immunology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, Israel
- Affiliated to Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel
- IMAJ 2007;9:389–390
Chapter 17
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Official website of the accrediting body for counsellors and psychotherapists in the UK. This site has links to many resources and information on counselling skills.
Royal College of Psychiatrists
This site provides information on appropriate communication across the lifespan when working with patients with differing mental health problems.
A useful site for information about the counselling and communication skills that are vital within a bereavement situation.
A website that is dedicated to raising awareness of deafness and British Sign Language. This has an on-line BSL dictionary, supporting video clips and information about BSL interpreters.
Chapter 18
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
UK Society for Behavioural Medicine
The UK Society for Behavioural Medicine (UKSBM) works towards integrating knowledge of biology, behaviour and the environment to prevent and treat disease.
The Encyclopaedia of Surgery has been written by various experts in the field of surgery and has been written specifically for health care students and patients.
Chapter 19
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
Breast Cancer Care is the UK’s leading provider of information, practical assistance and emotional support for anyone affected by breast cancer.
The aim of the British Heart Foundation is to play a leading role in the fight against disease of the heart and circulation so that it is no longer a major cause of disability and premature death.
Details of the methodology and the results obtained so far.
Homepage of the Whitehall II study.
Royal College of Physicians (RCP)
How the NHS manages heart attacks as prepared by the RCP.
CancerHelp provides a free information service about cancer and cancer care for people with cancer and their families.
In 1948, the Framingham Heart Study started to explore the general causes of heart disease and stroke. This website presents an overview of the study with all the publications since 1954 being listed.
Chapter 20
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
Backup cancer charity providing information and support on breast cancer.
A website from an author of a book on being the husband of a woman with breast cancer. Although trying to sell the book, the website does include some relevant information and a message board.
Providing the latest information about chemotherapy to patients and their families, caregivers and friends.