Jeffrey Opp
Jeffrey Opp
artist statement
I began fusing images and text into books to describe, probe, question, and alter the economic system of which we are all a part. The images and text draw the viewer into a space where they can then confront the conventional wisdom that guided the global economy to the ground. In the Advice from the Unemployed volumes, I introduce the viewer to written suggestions from unemployed workers while confronting them with panoramic images of businesses where commercial activity has ceased. Each volume contains an image of a building without workers and advice those missing workers are giving to help others through a tough economy. This allows the jobless multitude the opportunity to offer their suggestions. The reader may judge for himself the merits of these recommendations.
what do you love about the MFA program at San Jose State University?
San Jose State University is a great place to study photography because of the diverse, intelligent faculty and the community created by the other graduate photographers. The faculty very approachable, helpful, and great to work with. The other graduate photography students are very welcoming and quickly become trusted colleague and friends. At San Jose State I have had the opportunity to teach classes and work with a number of artists.
anticipated graduation date: May 2013
Jeffrey Opp, Advice from the Unemployed, Volume III, 2011.
Text here reads: Save part of your unemployment check for moving expenses and be ready to go. Never assume your job is secure, even if you exemplify what it means to be a hard worker.
Jeffrey Opp, Advice from the Unemployed, Volume IV (Detail), 2010.
Text here reads: Do not follow your passion, instead get an education in a tolerable field that can not be outsourced and is in high demand. Many corporations do not like over-qualified individuals; you have to lie.
Jeffrey Opp, Advice from the Unemployed, Volume IV, 2010.
Text here reads: Do not follow your passion, instead get an education in a tolerable field that can not be outsourced and is in high demand. Many corporations do not like over-qualified individuals; you have to lie.
Jeffrey Opp, Advice from the Unemployed, Volume VI, 2010.
Text here reads: Employers do not want their employees to have rights and hold a grudge if they exercise them.
Jeffrey Opp, Advice from the Unemployed, Volume X, 2012.
Text here reads: Save as much money as you can; when you get laid-off it could be a long time before you work again. Don't get into the position where you have done one job for so long that you do not know how to do anything else.