Christine Bruxvoort

Christine Bruxvoort


artist statement

I didn’t always have an interest in art but I remember when I first discovered photography. With photography I realized that I could make art just by looking through the tiny frame of my camera’s viewfinder. The camera eye quickly became my tool for getting thoughts out of my head and into my hands where everyone else could see them. Since then I have used art making as a way to learn something or teach something, to tell a story, retain a memory, or state an opinion. While my quest to make art has taken me beyond the viewfinder, it always leads back through the camera eye. 


what do you love about the MFA program at EMU?

Eastern Michigan University has a great MFA program. I attended a small liberal arts college for my undergrad and although Eastern is much larger, the art department operates more like a small college in that I can always get personal attention from many instructors. Professors that I have never had for class have been willing to sit down with me and talk about my work. This has allowed my work to expand in ways that it never would without this kind of instruction. 

anticipated graduation date: April 2013



Christine Bruxvoort, INVASIVE



Christine Bruxvoort, Malar Rash



Christine Bruxvoort, Prelude in C



Christine Bruxvoort, See, See, installation still.



Christine Bruxvoort, Waiting