Kayvan Tahmasebian
Kayvan Tahmasebian is a Marie-Curie Fellow at the University of Birmingham. His research focuses on the constructive role of the untranslatables in the development of Iranian modernity.
Interview with Kayvan Tahmasebian https://www.full-stop.net/2020/02/12/interviews/rebecca-ruth-gould/kayvan-tahmasebian/
Rebecca Ruth Gould
Rebecca Ruth Gould is the author of the award-winning monograph Writers & Rebels (2016) and poetry collection Cityscapes (2019) and. She has translated many books from Persian and Georgian, including After Tomorrow the Days Disappear (2016),
The Death of Bagrat Zakharych and other Stories (2019), and, with Kayvan Tahmasebian, High Tide of the Eyes (2019).
Interview with Rebecca Ruth Gould: https://www.thenasiona.com/2018/08/29/literature-has-never-been-purely-national-interview-with-rebecca-ruth-gould/
Podcast with Rebecca Ruth Gould on her translation project: https://www.full-stop.net/2020/02/18/blog/the-editors/podcast-introducing-the-inaugural-full-stop-fellows/
Video Interview with Rebecca Ruth Gould https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EN521WOQXJQ
Learn more about Gould at her website: https://rrgould.hcommons.org/
Interview about The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Activism: barricadejournal.org/ramparts/review-the-routledge-handbook-of-translation-and-activism/
Juliane House
Juliane House received her PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Toronto and Honorary Doctorates from the Universities of Jyväskylä, Finland and Jaume I, Castellon, Spain. She is Professor Emerita, University of Hamburg and Distinguished University Professor at Hellenic American University, Nashua, USA and Athens, Greece, Honorary Visiting Professor at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, at Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Beijing University of Science and Technology, China, as well as Past President of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies. Her research interests include translation theory, contrastive pragmatics, discourse analysis, politeness studies, second language acquisition and English as a global language. She has published widely in all these areas. Recent Routedge books include: Translation Quality Assessment: Past and Present (Routledge 2015, Translation as Communication across Languages and Cultures (Routledge 2016), Translation: The Basics (Routledge 2017).
Online interview with Juliane House by Anthony Pym
Brian Mossop
Brian Mossop was a French-to-English translator, reviser and trainer at the Canadian Government’s Translation Bureau from 1974 to 2014. He continues to lead workshops and webinars on revision in Canada and abroad, teaches revision to BA and MA students at York University in Toronto, and writes about various aspects of translation.
1. An interview with Brian Mossop about revision, for the Journal of Specialised Translation
2. An article about translating messages from extraterrestrial intelligences, in science fiction and in the writings of astronomers. Appended to it is a sci-fi short story by Brian Mossop, in which the narrator is a translator.
Reference for the article alone (without the sci-fi story):
"The Image of Translation in Science Fiction and Astronomy" The Translator 2(1), 1996, 1-26
3. An article about assisting a choir (to which Brian belongs) that was rehearsing a song in a language the members did not know
4. An article that considers whether book covers should be seen as intersemiotic translation of the texts they introduce, and of translations of those texts.
“Judging a translation by its cover”, The Translator 24(1), 2018, 1-16.
Franz Pöchhacker
Franz Pöchhacker is Professor of Interpreting Studies in the Center for Translation Studies at the University of Vienna. Trained as a conference interpreter in Vienna and Monterey (A: German, B: English, C: Spanish), he worked as a freelance conference and media interpreter for some 30 years. He has done research on simultaneous conference interpreting as well as media interpreting and community-based interpreting in healthcare and asylum settings, and published on general issues of interpreting studies as a discipline. He has lectured and published widely and is the author of the textbook Introducing Interpreting Studies (2004/2016), editor of the Routledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies (2015), and co-editor of the journal Interpreting.

Table Talk with Franz Pöchhacker
Kelly Washbourne
Associate editor of Perspectives and series editor of Translation Practices Explained and Routledge Guides to Teaching Translation and Interpreting
Kelly Washbourne speaking on trends in Translation Studies, 2020: sound file
Podcast, Radio Translatio 7 (2019, produced and edited by Martha Pulido), with Juan Guillermo Ramírez, coordinator of the Masters in Translation at la Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín, Colombia), on literary translation: https://radiotranslatio.com/2019/12/19/radio-translatio-7-routledge-handbook-of-literary-translation-2018/ (in Spanish)
Recent articles and chapters:
- "Anthologizing Classical Chinese Poetry in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries: Poetics and Ideology"(with Wang Feng), Meta (2019): pdf
- "'The Exultation of Another': The American Beat Poets as Translators" (with Wang Feng), Orbis Litterarum, 2019: pdf
- "Translation, Littérisation, and the Nobel Prize for Literature" TranscUlturAl A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies 8(1): 2016: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315331189_Translation_Litterisation_and_the_Nobel_Prize_for_Literature pdf
- "'Am I Still There?': On the Author's Sense of Becoming in a New Language", The AALITRA Review, 2016: pdf
- The Outer Limits of Otherness: Ideologies of Human Translation in Speculative Fiction". Translation Studies (2014): pdf
- "Ethical Experts-in-Training: Connected Learners and the Moral Imagination". In Kiraly, Don / Hansen-Schirra, Silvia / Maksymski, Karin (eds.): New Prospects and Perspectives for Educating Language Mediators. Series “Translation Studies/Translationwissenschaft”, edited by Franz Pöchhacker and Klaus Kaindl. Tübingen: Guner Narr, 2013. pp. 35-52: pdf

Autoepitaph: Selected Poems of Reinaldo Arenas, 2014
Edited by Camelly Cruz Martes and translated by Kelly Washbourne
Longlisted for the PEN Award for Poetry in Translation

The Routledge Handbook of Literary Translation
Routledge Handbook of Literary Translation (2018), edited by Kelly Washbourne and Ben Van Wyke, including "Introduction" and "Ethics" by Kelly Washbourne
For other writings see: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Richard_Washbourne
PurchaseAnthony Pym
Anthony Pym’s interviews with translation scholars

Sherry Simon
Sherry Simon delivers a lecture at the Bibliothèque et archives nationales du Québec, in French and English, on the multilingual heritage of Montreal. This was a multimedia event, with special graphics designed to highlight the theme: the flow of language in the city.
Translation Studies
Sherry Simon – Language Traffic: Translating Across Urban Space
Sherry Simon Faculty Lecture - NSTS 2017
Edwin Gentzler, 'Centering Translation'
Edwin Gentzler, 'Centering Translation'
Andrew Gillies explains the use of symbols in the video below:
Source: A Word In Your Ear
Symbols: dos and don'ts
This film explains why we use symbols in the first place; what you might want to replace with symbols; and how to use symbols effectively.
To find out more about Andy Gillies click here
Andy Gillies is interpreter trainer and coordinator of AIIC training.
For more reading tips on conference interpreting you can follow Andy Gillies on Goodreads where he highlights a number of books for student interpreters and their trainers. They include books about consecutive and simultaneous interpreting, translation, as well as books about language and language learning that he considers could useful for conference interpreters.
Lawrence Venuti talks about translation studies today
Internationally renowned theorist, author and translator Lawrence Venuti introduces the foundations of Translation Studies, explains his own route into academia, and discusses where the subject is heading.
How did you get into translation studies and why?
What is exciting about translation studies today?
What have been the major trends and developments over the past few years?
Where do you see the subject heading/ what future directions can you envisage?
More from Lawrence Venuti
The PEN Ten interview with Lawrence Venuti:
Podcast with Montana Ray and Lawrence Venuti
The following interview with Lawrence Venuti took place at an international conference held on 24-26 May 2012 at the University of Tallinn in Estonia. The theme of the conference was “Translating Power, Empowering Translation: Itineraries in Translation History.” The interviewers were Katiliina Gielen, Lecturer in the Department of English of the Institute of Germanic, Romance and Slavonic Languages and Literatures at the University of Tartu and Daniele Monticelli, Head of the Department of Romance Languages and Cultures and Associate Professor of Italian Studies and Cultural Semiotics at the University of Tallinn.
Here is a short memoir by Lawrence Venuti, published in Exchanges, the journal of literary translation: http://exchanges.uiowa.edu/m-moires-of-translation
Here is a short essay by Lawrence Venuti about translating a modern Catalan writer: http://www.asymptotejournal.com/article.php?cat=Criticism&id=55&curr_index=&curPage=search
Lawrence Venuti in conversation at the University of Minnesota:
Sandra Hale Video Lecture
Translation Studies
Doug Robinson
Becoming a Translator, video interview July 2012
Michael Cronin
Michael Cronin delivers a lecture entitled “La ville: zone de traduction” (in French) at Concordia University.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Michael Cronin, Dublin City University, interviewed by The Journal of Specialised Translation.
An edited transcript of this interview is available in Synthesis 4 (2012).
Susan Bassnett
Susan Bassnett speaking at Swansea University, ‘The Author-Translator in the European Literary Tradition’, 2010.
For other videos from this conference, please see here http://www.author-translator.net/videos.html
Interview with Susan Bassnett from Translation (carried out by Siri Nergaard)
Translation is an international, peer-reviewed journal published by scholars representing a transdiscilinary perspective on translation in collaboration with the Nida School of Translation Studies. The journal's paper version is biannual and comes out in summer and winter, while the journal online http://translation.fusp.it is continously updated with a wider content and space for debate.