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A Note from the Author
Welcome to the companion website for Negotiating Critical Literacies with Young Children, 10th Anniversary Edition. This site was created to enrich your reading of the book. The site lists additional resources for learning more about critical literacies, including podcasts, as well as examples of how to create and use a curricular audit trail.
If you are using the book as a course reading, you could include links from this webpage to create a multimodal experience for your students.
In this book, I draw from my classroom experience to demonstrate how issues raised from everyday conversations with my prekindergarten children were used to create an integrated, cross-curricular, critical literacy curriculum over the course of one school year. The strategies presented are grounded in relevant theory and research. I describe how my students and I negotiated a critical literacy curriculum, show how we dealt with particular social and cultural issues and themes, and share insights I gained as I attempted to understand what it means to frame my teaching from a critical literacy perspective.