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Welcome to the companion website for Understanding Child Language Acquisition. My aim in writing Understanding Child Language Acquisition was to introduce readers to the most important research on child language acquisition over the last fifty years, as well as to some of the most influential theories in the field. Rather than just describing what children can do at different ages I have tried to explain why these research findings are important and what they tell us about how children acquire language.
The materials in this companion website are designed to provide additional resources for both students and instructors, to enhance learning and give students first-hand experience of what it means to do research in child language acquisition. The resources include:
For students
- A glossary of the linguistic terms used in the textbook
- Chapter recaps, summarising the essential information given in each chapter
- Chapter comprehension checklists, with answers, to test your knowledge of the material
- Extension activities for classroom-based exercises and discussion articles. Please note that all the articles relevant for the classwork activities are in mainstream journals which should be freely available to students through University library catalogues. Many are also downloadable from the authors’ websites under green open access regulations.
For instructors
- Sample essay questions, arranged by chapter
- Powerpoint slides of the tables and figures in the textbook
- Tutor versions of the extension activities (including answers)