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Welcome to the companion website for The Routledge Introductory Course in Biblical Hebrew by Lily Kahn, which provides students and instructors with a wealth of materials designed to supplement and enhance the textbook.
In the Student Resources section, you’ll find:
- Biblical Hebrew audio recordings of all the stories in the textbook as well as authentic texts from the Hebrew Bible
- Many interactive flashcards to test students’ knowledge and vocabulary acquisition
- Extra exercises and biblical texts for additional practice, accessibly presented by unit
- Helpful summaries of the books in the Hebrew Bible
- Concise vocabulary guide lists divided by word class and verbal root type
- A list of suggested further resources
The Instructor Resources section offers:
- A sample syllabus for the textbook
- Seven different coursework assignments, covering all 40 units of the course
- Answer keys to exercises in the textbook
- Translations of the texts in the textbook
Please note that while the Instructor Resources are password protected, independent leaners can request access to the Instructor Resources section. To gain access to the instructor resources for this title, please visit the Instructor Resources Download Hub.
Thank you for using The Routledge Introductory Course in Biblical Hebrew! We hope that you’ll enjoy both the course and the website.