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The Twentieth Century was the broadcast century. Within a relatively few years a new, vibrant form of communication was pioneered and perfected.
It was within the span of approximately 100 years that the electronic mass media was conceived and created.
Today we have come to expect instantaneous news, entertainment, and information from a wide variety of programming sources. But just 100 years ago, people marveled at the idea that messages could be transported through space.
The Broadcast Century and Beyond is a biography of American Broadcasting. It tells the story of how broadcasting began in the United States and how it flourished to become a dominate form of communication. Because of broadcasting's unique ability to report on and reflect current society, we have a wonderful opportunity to explore some of the social events of each decade discussed in the book.
This companion website is designed to amplify aspects of the book by providing links to additional sources of information available on the Internet. By using the links that correspond to the chapter material, you can explore some of the aspects of the technology, the programming and the people that made American broadcasting such a force in our society.
Today, the Internet allows us to explore an exciting world of history and information. The links provided in this site belong to different individuals and organizations that created them. As educators and historians we are grateful to the many people who have created these links as a way to preserve the memories and history that are part of the heritage of American broadcasting. We hope that you will enjoy this website and that it will amplify your understanding of how American Broadcasting grew from a novelty to the industry of today. Enjoy your travel through time and space.
Website content prepared by Fritz Messere.