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Welcome to the companion website for The American Civil War: A Literary and Historical Anthology, edited by Ian Frederick Finseth. This book brings together a wide variety of writing from the Civil War and Reconstruction eras, allowing readers to explore the war’s impact on the United States.
The website supplements the book with a wealth of additional resources, including the following.
- A selection of additional primary sources for each section of the book.
- An image gallery for each section.
- A bibliography listing further resources related to each section.
- Discussion questions for each section.
- An additional section, “The Civil War in Song,” containing an introduction to the place of music in the Civil War, a collection of Civil War song lyrics and sheet music, and a bibliography.
- Author Biographies providing background information about the authors of the included sources.
- A portrait gallery containing photographs of key figures.
- For instructors: essay questions for each section.
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