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Welcome to the companion website for the Second Edition of Fundamental Building Technology.
Fundamental Building Technology introduces the technology, methods and processes fundamental to construction by focusing on what is involved in building a typical low-rise house. Written with the novice in mind, this textbook is the ideal starting point for any construction student, as it fully supports the reader all the way to understanding the functional requirements of each element of the building, and how to take these into account through the building process itself. The new edition is expanded to cover even more relevant topics, and is supported by more resources for use by the student and lecturer.
Here you will find student resources related to the Second Edition of Fundamental Building Technology:
- Interactive multiple choice quizzes
- Full colour downloadable photos to support your study
From here, lecturers who are teaching from this textbook can access helpful supportive materials such as:
- 24 illustrated powerpoints to form the basis of lectures on construction technology
- Answers to the exercises in the textbook
- Downloadable versions of all the colour images in the students section for use in their own lecture materials