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Welcome to the Routledge Companion Website for Mia Carter and Alan Friedman’s Modernism and Literature: An Introduction and Reader. This reader is a comprehensive guide to Modernism, covering key readings from the major thinkers and writers of the period, including Zola, Darwin, Einstein, Pound, Stein, Woolf, and Eliot, among many others. With introductions and readings in the important themes of culture and aesthetics; philosophy and religion; medicine, science, and technology; politics and war; gender and sexuality; race and ethnicity; global modernisms; and modernist writers on themselves and their contemporaries, this critical volume places the literature in context not only historically, but also in light of today’s world.
What you will find on this website:
- An interactive timeline featuring accompanying videos and images that places the readings and events in historical, literary, and artistic context
- Links to videos, interviews, and other article about Modernism and the key figures in the movement
- Author biographies for all of the writers represented in the book