Chapter 24


Key Terms

Distinctiveness: memory traces that are distinct or different from other memory traces stored in long-term memory.

von Restorff effect: the finding that a to-be-remembered item that is distinctively different from other list items is especially likely to be remembered.

Transfer-appropriate processing: the notion that long-term memory will be greatest when processing at the time of retrieval is very similar to processing at the time of learning.

Mnemonics: these consist of numerous methods or systems used by learners to enhance their long-term memory for information.

Method of loci: a memory technique in which to-be-remembered items are associated with locations well-known to the learner.

Pegword method: a memory technique in which to-be-remembered items are associated with pegwords (words rhyming with numbers).

Story method: a technique for improving memory in a story is generated that includes all of the to-be-remembered words or other items in the correct order.

Synaesthesia: the capacity to have an experience in one sense modality when a different modality is stimulated (e.g., a sound triggers visual imagery).

Testing effect: the finding that long-term memory is enhanced when some of the learning period is devoted to retrieving the to-be-remembered information.

Implementation intentions: action plans designed to achieve some goal (e.g., writing an essay) based on specific information concerning where, when, and how the goal will be achieved.


More memory and mnemonic devices

Video of a peg system memory activity

Video of the story method

Summary of the testing effect

Locke’s goal setting theory: Understanding SMART goal setting

Video summarising implementation intentions

The British Psychological Society: Careers, education, and training advice

Hunt, R.R., & Worthen, J.B. (2010). Mnemonology: Mnemonics for the 21st century. Reed Hunt and James Worthen identifythe underlying cognitive processes responsible for numerous successfulmnemonic techniques.