The Jubilee

The Jubilee Celebrations at Stratford-upon-Avon in the newspapers
The following archive of newspaper clippings tracks the reporting on the Jubilee at Stratford-upon-Avon from its inception to its soggy end. It includes a wide range of materials: some of the papers enthusiastically supported Garrick’s plans, others saw it is a perfect opportunity for satire on the pretensions of the Manager.
From The Jubilee

Further Reviews of the Play
i. Lloyd’s Evening Post Oct. 13–16, 1769. An Account of the New Entertainment called The Jubilee, which was performed for the first time at the Theatre Royal in Drury-lane, on Saturday last.
From The Jubilee

Songs from Garrick’s The Jubilee published as separate volumes
The success of Garrick’s afterpiece at Drury Lane prompted the publication of numerous cheap versions of the songs. This kind of commercial tie-in helped to disseminate the songs well beyond the playhouse walls.
From The Jubilee

Print Controversy Chiefly Regarding the Ode
David Garrick had no shortage of enemies. The sheer excess of the following anonymous repudiation of Garrick’s Ode gives some sense of the vitriol. The attack concludes be reprinting a host of negative accounts of the Jubilee in Stratford-upon-Avon.
From The Jubilee