Chapter 16: Digital Literacies

As a relatively recent addition to the English curriculum, digital literacies are not always specifically referred to in national curriculum documents. Nevertheless, children have considerable experience of digitally presented texts from home which needs to be built on in school. Children use a range of reading apps and internet sources for reading, both for leisure and for information, and their experience of the structures and facilities of computer games can be assets in understanding narrative structure as well as contributing to problem solving. There are also increasing classroom opportunities for children to compose texts using digital technology, whether spoken texts as in blogs or vlogs, as communications between groups of readers, or in the creation of more finished multimodal texts. Digital technology is particular useful in supporting learners who might find traditional classroom work challenging. The chapter ends with some guidance about how to describe progress in composing and reading digital texts.


Digital devices and the 5Cs

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Summary of survey of children’s multimodal text experience at home and at school

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Digital Texts I Like

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