Welcome to the companion website resources for the Fourth edition of Agroecology: Leading the Transformation to a Just and Sustainable Food System.
This website is specifically designed to be used for the field and lab component of a lecture-based class-room course in which Agroecology: Leading the Transformation to a Just and Sustainable Food System, Fourth Edition serves as the main text.
The purpose of this companion website is to give students opportunities to gain direct hands-on field and laboratory experience with the concepts that make up the science of agroecology. Since agroecology is defined as the application of ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable food systems, such an experiential approach to teaching agroecology is essential.
The 24 investigations are divided into five sections that very roughly parallel the organization of the textbook, with each focusing on a distinct level of ecological complexity. Each investigation is accompanied by a blank datasheet in PDF form, which the student can download for practical use in the field.
The website contains content originally published in Field and Laboratory Investigations in Agroecology.
The bulk of this website is available to both students and Instructors, although Instructors can also access the Instructor’s Preface and Appendix.