Suggested reading

Chapter 1

The best international overview of tourism can be found in:
Page, S. J. and Connell, J. (2014) Tourism: A Modern Synthesis, 4th edn. London: Cengage.
For an overview of how tourism and leisure fit together, the best review to date can be found in:
Page, S. J. and Connell, J. (2010) Leisure: An Introduction. Harlow: Pearson.
On disruptive technologies and tourism see:
Widtfeldt Meged, J. and Zillinger, M. (2018) Disruptive network innovation in free guided tours, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism,

Chapter 2

There are a number of excellent sources available on the historical development of tourism including:
Walton, J. (1983) The English Seaside Resort: A Social History 1750–1914. Leicester: Leicester University Press.
Walton, J. (2000) The British Seaside: Holidays and Resorts in the Twentieth Century. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Walton, J. (2000) The hospitality trades: A social history. In C. Lashley and A. Morrison (eds) In Search of Hospitality: Theoretical Perspectives and Debates. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Walton, J. and Smith J. (1996) The first century of beach tourism in Spain: San Sebastian and the Playas del Norte from the 1830s to the 1930s. In M. Barke, J. Towner and M. Newton (eds) Tourism in Spain: Critical Issues. Wallingford: CAB International.
There are also recent articles in the Journal of Tourism History.
On the growth of tourism in Asia, see:
Hall, C. M. and Page, S. J. (eds) (2017) The Routledge Handbook of Tourism in Asia. Abingdon: Routledge.

Chapter 3

The best studies to explore in this complex area are:
Argyle, M. (1996) The Social Psychology of Leisure. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Clarke, J. and Bowen, D. (eds) (2009) Contemporary Tourist Behaviour. Wallingford: CABI.
Cohen, S., Prayag, G. and Moital, M. (2014) Consumer behaviour in tourism: Concepts, influences and opportunities. Current Issues in Tourism, 17 (10): 872-909
Maslow, A. (1943) A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50: 370–396.
Mitchell, A. (1983) The Nine American Lifestyles. New York: Warner.
Pearce, P. (1982) The Social Psychology of Tourist Behaviour. Oxford: Pergamon.
Pearce, P. (1993) The fundamentals of tourist motivation. In D. Pearce and R. Butler (eds) Tourism Research: Critique and Challenges. London: Routledge.
UNWTO and European Travel Commission (2008) The Chinese Outbound Travel Market. Madrid: UNWTO.

Chapter 4

Competition Commission (2009) Investigation of the Supply of Airport Services in the UK by BAA. London: Competition Commission.
Gibson, P. (2006) Cruise Operations Management. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Hickman, R. and Bannister, D. (2007) Looking over the horizon: Transport and reduced CO2 emissions in the UK by 2030. Transport Policy, 14(5): 377–387.
Knowles, R., Shaw, J. and Docherty, I. (eds) (2008) Transport Geographies: Mobilities, Flows and Spaces. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lumsdon, L. (2006) Factors affecting the design of tourism bus services. Annals of Tourism Research, 33(3): 748–766.
Lumsdon, L. and Page, S. J. (eds) (2004) Tourism and Transport: Issues and Agenda in the New Millennium. Oxford: Elsevier.
Moyano, A., Coronado, J. and Garmendia, M. (2016) How to choose the most efficient transport mode for weekend tourism journeys: An HSR and private vehicle comparison. Open Transportation Journal
10(Suppl-1, M8), 84-96.
Nakamura, H. and Abe, N. (2016) Tourist decisions in renting various personal travel modes: A case study in Kitakyushu City, Japan. Tourism Management55, 85-93.
Page, M. (2005) Non-motorised transportation policy. In K. Button and D. Hensher (eds) Handbook of Transport Strategy, Policy and Institutions. Oxford: Elsevier, 581–596.
Peeters, P., Szimba, E. and Duinjnisveld, M. (2007) Major environmental impacts of European tourist transport. Journal of Transport Geography, 15(2): 83–93.
Prideaux, B. and Carson, D. (eds) (2011) Drive Tourism: Trends and Emerging Markets. London: Routledge.
Român, C., Espino, R. and Martin, J. (2007) Competition of high-speed train with air transport: The case of Madrid–Barcelona. Journal of Air Transport Management, 13(5): 277–284.
Tol, R. (2007) The impact of a carbon tax on international tourism. Transportation Research D, 12(2): 129–142.
The most comprehensive book on transport and tourism is:
Page, S. J. (2009) Transport and Tourism: Global Perspectives, 3rd edn. Harlow: Prentice Hall.

Chapter 5

The following are very good sources and accessible as well as easy to read:
Chang, H. and Yang, C. (2008) Do airline self-service check-in kiosks meet the needs of passengers? Tourism Management, 29(5): 980–993.
Doganis, R. (1992) The Airport Business. London: Routledge.
Doganis, R. (2001) The Airline Business in the Twenty-First Century. London: Routledge.
Goldberg, A. (2016) Air rage incidents soar on UK flights. BBC online, 18 September 2016,, accessed 23 August 2018.
Graham, A. (2013) Managing Airports, 4th edn. London: Routledge.
Graham, B. (2008) New air services: Tourism and economic development. In A. Graham, A. Papatheodorou and P. Forsyth (eds) Aviation and Tourism: Implications for Leisure Travel. Aldershot: Ashgate, 227–238.
Halpern, N. and Graham, A. (2013) Airport Marketing. London: Routledge.
Morley, C. (2006) Airline alliances. In L. Dwyer and P. Forsyth (eds) International Handbook on the Economics of Tourism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 209–223.
Page, S. J. (2009) Transport and Tourism: Global Perspectives, 3rd edn. Harlow: Pearson Education.
Warnock-Smith, D. and Morrell, P. (2008) Air transport liberalisation and traffic growth in tourism-dependent economies: A case-history of some US–Caribbean markets. Journal of Air Transport Management, 14(2): 82–91.

Chapter 6

Cantallops, A. and Salvi, F. (2014) New consumer behaviour: A review of research on eWOM and hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30: 41–51.
Verginis, C. and Wood, R. (eds) (1999) Accommodation Management: Perspectives for the International Hotel Industry. London: Thomson Learning.
Yu, L. (1999) The International Hospitality Business: Management and Operations. New York: Haworth Press.

Chapter 7

There are few up-to-date sources on the tour operator and travel agent sector. The best sources of up-to-date information can be found in the following places:
Annual Reports of major tour operators and travel agents.
Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research
Research article
Tourism Management, Volume 29, Issue 4, August 2008, Pages 609-623
Dimitrios Buhalis, Rob Law
Download PDF (274 KB)AbstractExport

Progress in tourism management: A review of website evaluation in tourism research
Review article
Tourism Management, Volume 31, Issue 3, June 2010, Pages 297-313
Rob Law, Shanshan Qi, Dimitrios Buhalis

Business publications (e.g. Financial Times).
Consultancy reports/Market intelligence reports (e.g. Key Note).
Holloway, J., Davidson, R. and Humphrey, C. (2009) The Business of Tourism, 8th edn. Harlow: Pearson.
Laws, E. (1997) Managing Package Holidays. London: Thomson Learning.
Page, S. J. and Connell, J. (2009) Tourism: A Modern Synthesis, 3rd edn. London: Cengage Learning.

Chapter 8

The most accessible source is:
Swarbrooke, J. (2002) The Development and Management of Visitor Attractions, 2nd edn. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
And on events, a seminar collection of papers can be found in:
Page S. J. and Connell, J. (eds) (2012) A Handbook of Events. London: Routledge.
Connell, J. and Page, S. J. (eds) (2011) Event Tourism, Vols 1–4. London: Routledge.

A good all-round reviews can be found in:
Leask, A. (2010) Progress in visitor attraction research: Towards more effective management.  Tourism Management 31(2), 155-166.
Leask, A. (2016) Visitor attraction management: A critical review of research 2009–2014. Tourism Management 57, 334-361.

Chapter 9

One of the most digestible sources is:
Leiper, N. (1995) Tourism Management. Victoria: TAFE.
On tourism, SMES and entrepreneurship see:
Page, S. J. and Ateljevic, J. (eds) (2009) Tourism and Entrepreneurship. Oxford: Elsevier.
On innovation see:
Hall, C. M. and Williams, A. (2008) Tourism and Innovation. London: Routledge.

Chapter 10

The most digestible overview of tourism policy is:
Hall, C. M. and Jenkins, J. (1995) Tourism and Public Policy. London: Routledge.
For the most interesting overview of tourism planning with many good examples and case studies see also:
Dredge, D. and Jenkins, J. (2007) Tourism Planning and Policy. Milton, Qld: John Wiley and Sons Australia Ltd.
Hall, C. M. (2007) Tourism Planning: Policies, Processes and Relationships, 2nd edn. Harlow: Prentice Hall.

Chapter 11

This is probably one of the most comprehensively documented subject areas in tourism. A number of good books exist on the impacts of tourism, notably:
Wall, G. and Mathieson, A. (2006) Tourism: Change, Impacts and Opportunities. Harlow: Pearson Education.
And with reference to the less developed world:
Schyvens, R. (2002) Tourism for Development: Empowering Communities. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
And with an urban bias:
Page, S. J. and Hall, C. M. (2002) Managing Urban Tourism. Harlow: Prentice Hall.

Chapter 12

The best starting point is the websites of the World Tourism Organization, World Tourism Council and National Tourism Organizations to assess market trends and future strategies for tourism growth and development.
A number of good sources exist to examine future tourism scenarios, including:
Future Foundation (2005) The World of Travel in 2020. London: Futures Foundation.
Page, S. J., Yeoman, I., Greenwood, C. and Connell, J. (2010) Scenario planning as a tool to understand uncertainty in tourism: The example of transport and tourism in Scotland to 2025. Current Issues in Tourism, 13(2).
UNWTO (2011) The Best of UNWTO: Policy and Practice for Global Tourism. Madrid: UNWTO.

Seminal Reviews of the field

More on-depth reviews of the development of different subject areas published in the journal Tourism Management on specific themes in Tourism can be found at

List of articles hosted in the virtual special issue:

Twenty years on: The state of contemporary ecotourism research
Volume 28, Issue 5, October 2007, Pages 1168–1179

Human resources in tourism: Still waiting for change
Volume 28, Issue 6, December 2007, Pages 1383–1399

Community Benefit Tourism Initiatives—A conceptual oxymoron?
Volume 29, Issue 1, February 2008, Pages 1–18

Tourism demand modelling and forecasting—A review of recent research
Volume 29, Issue 2, April 2008, Pages 203–220

Event tourism: Definition, evolution, and research
Volume 29, Issue 3, June 2008, Pages 403–428

Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research
Volume 29, Issue 4, August 2008, Pages 609–623

Progress in Tourism Management: From the geography of tourism to geographies of tourism – A review
Volume 30, Issue 1, February 2009, Pages 3–16

Knowledge transfer and management in tourism organisations: An emerging research agenda
Volume 30, Issue 3, June 2009, Pages 325–335

Tourism supply chain management: A new research agenda
Volume 30, Issue 3, June 2009, Pages 345–358

Progress in sports tourism research? A meta-review and exploration of futures
Volume 30, Issue 5, October 2009, Pages 615–628

Prospects in tourism history: Evolution, state of play and future developments
Volume 30, Issue 6, December 2009, Pages 783–793

A review of innovation research in tourism
Volume 31, Issue 1, February 2010, Pages 1–12

Progress in tourism management: A review of website evaluation in tourism research
Volume 31, Issue 3, June 2010, Pages 297–313

Tourism education and curriculum design: A time for consolidation and review?
Volume 31, Issue 6, December 2010, Pages 699–723

Urban tourism research: Recent progress and current paradoxes
Volume 32, Issue 1, February 2011, Pages 1–15

Aspects of service-dominant logic and its implications for tourism management: Examples from the hotel industry
Volume 32, Issue 2, April 2011, Pages 207–214

Understanding small firms in tourism: A perspective on research trends and challenges
Volume 32, Issue 5, October 2011, Pages 963–976

Tourism and water use: Supply, demand, and security. An international review
Volume 33, Issue 1, February 2012, Pages 1–15

Assisting the poor in China through tourism development: A review of research
Volume 33, Issue 2, April 2012, Pages 239–248

Souvenirs: Icons of meaning, commercialization and commoditization
Volume 33, Issue 3, June 2012, Pages 489–499

Film tourism – Evolution, progress and prospects
Volume 33, Issue 5, October 2012, Pages 1007–1029

Volunteer tourism: A review
Volume 38, October 2013, Pages 120–130

Destination Marketing Organizations and destination marketing: A narrative analysis of the literature
Volume 41, April 2014, Pages 202–227

Host perceptions of tourism: A review of the research
Volume 42, June 2014, Pages 37–49



Further Web Reading

Further Web Reading  

Multimedia resources

You Tube and Multi Media Resources

A selection of multi-media resources provide a starting point for further exploration of themes dealt with in each chapter.

Chapter 3

Tourism demand
Ageing and holidays - useful website on travelling with ageing family members
Medical tourism as a new trend

Chapter 5

IATA and air travel
Strategy for air transport
Key role of the Airbus A380
The new Boing 787 – onboard with Tui
Future issues in air travel
Airport planning and management

Chapter 8

YouTube has a host of destination guides on the top visitor attractions – showcasing individual destinations – just search for the destination and or attraction

Chapter 9

Turtles in trouble – training for resort staff

Management of tourism in Australia – Tourism Australia
The Tourism Society’s media master class

Chapter 10

The Green Tourism Business Scheme
Environmental Management Systems

For individual National Tourism Organisation promotional clips on tourism, search name

Chapter 11

The impact of tourism on Mount Everest

Sustainable Tourism Strategies

The role of tourism in Bhutan: briefing on Bhutan as a country

VisitEngland and sustainable tourism : certification Scheme for sustainability and
business case studies

See in particular:
Tourist City Pass and etiquette in Venice

Reefs at risk from tourism

Sustainable wildlife tourism – gorilla tourism: a National Geographic video about the effort to prevent gorilla poaching by making gorillas more valuable alive than dead.

Impact of tourism on the Great Wall of China

Web resources

General overviews and web resources on sustainability

The following website may also be of interest:

This is an excellent source to look at recent industry announcements on marketing initiatives or developments in travel and tourism from a tourism industry perspective.

In view of the growing interest in sustainability and the way it is embedded throughout the book, the following resources will be of great value throughout the book and with essays and assignments:

Sustainable Tourism Web Resources

There is a HUGE amount of information on the web on sustainable development and sustainable tourism. As sustainable tourism permeates the entire book, the following list serves to cover all aspects of the material in this book.
The following is by no means exhaustive, but includes some of the best resources, many of which contain downloadable reports and factsheets. Browse at your own pace:
