Chapter 44 - Challenges in Creating a Culture of Workplace Dignity for LGBT Employees

Sara J. Baker & Kristen Lucas


Jan Solis is the Vice President of Talent Management at a creative services agency. She is approached by one of the senior account executives, Ryan Binns, who confides in her about recent problems he has encountered at the agency that are undermining his sense of workplace dignity. What Jan finds most troubling is that Ryan claims the problems are occurring, in part, because he is gay. Their conversation challenges Jan to contemplate Ryan’s concerns in light of the agency’s diversity initiatives and its organizational culture.

Keywords: Diversity, Gay-friendly, LGBT, Organizational Culture, Workplace Dignity

Key Takeaways and Take a Stand Form

Key Takeaways

  1. Workplace dignity can be threatened in several ways—from being treated disrespectfully, to being limited in the ability to demonstrate competence and make contributions, to receiving unequal treatment.
  2. Interactions do not have to be maliciously intended, nor do they have to be illegal (e.g., overt harassment or discrimination) to cause harm. Even unintentional slights that are within the bounds of legal behavior can have devastating consequences for dignity.
  3. All employees are vulnerable to dignity threats. However, employees who have a marginalized identity (such as being gay) are at even greater risk, especially when their identity is the basis of mistreatment.
  4. While organizational policies such as same-sex partner benefits and anti-discrimination statements are important aspects of an inclusive culture, policies alone will not make an organization immune to dignity threats.
  5. Examining an organization’s culture of dignity is a large undertaking. It requires careful consideration of a range of indicators, including the sociopolitical environment in which the orgaization operates, organizational policies and practices, and day-to-day communication between organizational members.
  6. Creating and sustaining a genuine culture of dignity is a challenging endeavor, one in which all organizational members play an important role.

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