From Birth to Five Years Interactive Developmental Timeline
This interactive timeline offers a clear visual representation of the key developmental domains, to assist your understanding of children's developmental progress with age and within each domain. The tabs above divide the wealth of information contained in the timeline into six logical sections. The first, Developmental Theories, explains the key theories that underpin the study of children's developmental progress, with quotes from the eminent theorists in the field. The central four tabs contain information specifically related to each developmental domain, Perceptual and Cognitive Development, Social Cognition and Play, Language, and Motor Development. The final tab contains links to a set of Practical Assessment Skills Videos, in which the authors of the book, a paediatric doctor and a children's speech therapist, perform developmental checks on five children across the range of ages from one to five.
N.B. Throughout the timeline, highlighted and underlined words or sentences are hyperlinks that will lead you to further related information.