"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Which factor decides state representation in the Senate?
The Supreme Court
The president
The population size of the state
=The Constitution
The Congress
"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What do you understand by “reserved powers”? In 1787 the states delegated specific powers to the federal government but reserved the remainder to themselves.
=Those reserved to the states
Those reserved to the Congress
Those reserved to the president
Those reserved to the federal government
Those reserved to the Supreme Court
"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Who nominates federal judges?The president nominates them but the Senate has to confirm their appointments.
=The president
The House of Representatives
The Senate
The Supreme Court
The existing federal Judges
"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What were the three Civil War Amendments concerned with?Study the text carefully! Only male slaves were given the vote.
Giving all slaves the vote
=Abolition of slavery
=Giving male slaves the vote
=Giving slaves citizenship
Allowing slaves freedom of movement into other states
"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Why did the Southern states tend to vote for the Democrats after the Civil War?The technical reason is E, but D might have also been a factor.
Because it was the Democrats who had defended them
Because the Democrats best reflected their liberal principles
Because they thought the Democrats would allow them to re-introduce slavery
Because they blamed the Republicans for their defeat
=Because it was the Republican party under Lincoln that had declared war on them
"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Which of the following do the Democrats favor? B and E tend to be Republican policies
=Management of the economy
Reducing government spending
=A public social safety net
=The unions
Balancing the federal budget
"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Who is the presiding officer of the Senate?This is a constitutional provision; the president is not allowed to sit in either House of Congress.
The US president
=The US vice-president
The Senate Majority Leader
The oldest senator
The longest serving senator
"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What is a “mark-up session”?Usually by a sub-committee
When a bill is sent from the House to Senate
A period when changes are made to a bill
=The time when the bill is sent to the president
When the states are allowed to suggest changes
The time between Congress passing the bill and its becoming law
"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Which states have increased their numbers of seats in the House in recent years?Because of their population increases
"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What results would you expect from a mid-term election?The opportunity to protest is often just too good for the electorate to miss!
=A loss of support for the majority party
Significant Republican gains
Significant Democrat gains
=A loss of support for the party of the president
An increase in support for the majority party
"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] How are the majority of federal civil servants recruited?Some senior ones are appointed by the president, but not the majority as asked in the question.
By presidential appointment
Through the universities
Through high school examinations
Proportionally by each state
=Through competitive examinations
"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What circumstances might permit extensions of presidential power?The president has very limited powers of veto
=An increase in terrorist activity
When the president cannot control both Houses of Congress
=International economic crisis
When the president decides to veto a bill
When the states refuse to ratify a congressional bill
"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Which of these US presidents was elected on a close and highly disputed vote? Use the table provided in the text to ascertain why C is the correct answer.
George Bush 1988
Bill Clinton 1992
Bill Clinton 1996
=George W. Bush 2000
Barack Obama 2008
"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] In the event of a close result in a presidential election, which body might be expected to decide the result?
The Senate
=The Supreme Court
The House of Representatives
The Chief Justice